Sangen Tonari No Tooi Hito
The ending was too abrupt for the really detailed development, and I thought nothing special about Noboru so I don't understand the interest of Mitsuya but... ... In fact, we don't have any description for the other characters, we really don't have enough information on them to understand their story or sympathize with them, we only have information on Mitsuya (a lot) and mostly by his point of view... well what was I saying again, ah yeah, "but".. but... Mitsuya is SO FREAGGING CUTE-SEXY-MANLY-SLY-FUNNY, seriously how can he be all this different things at the same time?! On the title page for chapter 2, I was already "Oh my god, so sexy, if my man had first thing in the morning this look on, sorry for him but I sware you he would always be late for work", then when I saw the "tactic #003: The Radiant Smile (while thinking obnoxious things)" and him in suit => "Okay... I changed my mind... I think he would never be at work." and when he was thinking about love, blushing, averting his gaze and all, I coudn't help but so wanted to take him in my arms, he was so so so so so cuuuute~ Seriously he's just too much.
Konya mo Nemurenai
["Konya mo Nemurenai" - "Kimi to Kore kara"] IT's soooooooooooooooooo embarrassing for me that Endo can read Rikiya's mind! If it was just something more vague like a feeling, his mood, but his THOUGHTS?... plz guys have mercy! There were almost 20 chapters and it was still TOO FAST XD And the end is kind of... how say it, too soft, I want a "BADA-BOOM!!" Oooooh yeah, Thank you so much, I wanted Endo like this soooooo much, I can at least see it once, and the mangaka is saying there will be a continuation... KYAAAAAAAAH!!! Je suis trop heureuse!! #Yaoi Love Badass Demons (XD you're funny man)
Kimi to Kore kara
["Konya mo Nemurenai" - "Kimi to Kore kara"] AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN!
Datte Maou-sama Wa Kare Ga Kirai
|Chapter 10.5|
Kami-sama No Iutoori (moegi Yuu)
Really cheezy romantic but it was still cute ^^
|Chapter 1 - Displacement| !!Not complete scanlation available (should have 10 chapters)
Fukigen Kareshi No Saraikata
["Nekoka Danshi no Shitsukekata" - "Ikezu Kareshi no Otoshikata" - "Nekoka Kareshi no Ayashikata"] [vol 1: "Kuroneko Kareshi no Asobikata" - vol 2: "Kuroneko Kareshi no Amaekata" - vol 3: "Kuroneko Kareshi no Nakasekata" - vol 4: "Kuroneko Kareshi no Aishikata" - "Fukigen Kareshi no Nadamekata" - vol 5: "Kuroneko Kareshi no Afurekata" - vol 6: "Kuroneko to Kareshi to Ouji" - "Fukigen Kareshi No Saraikata" - vol 7: "Kuroneko Kareshi no Arukikata"]
Kuroneko to Kareshi to Ouji