Inu to Kake Tsuki
|Chapter 1 - Displacement|
Ginza Neon Paradise
I really loved the story, the theme, the storyline was not bad at all. And it was really warm, so full of feelings it hurts you. The only thing is the art or manga style, I'll say it like that, isn't the BEST for this kind of story, so perfect, so sweet, full in emotions, it's not fair but I really think the art is also for something, but above all as if the way how is handled the manga, events, sentence, way of drawings, etc... is for a "lighter" story, something more cute, dumb or simple. So it's not perfect, or as awesome thath it could be.
Tenohira No Seiza
You know that Yoshimi is lying since the very beginning, so it's crazy annoying to wait until he confess it was a stupid prank so Mizuho could realise his mistakes... and they really struggle until the very end man, at some point you just want to hit them XD It's really hard on nerves! ... how do you say it again? Nerve racking? Fortunately, Thank God, we got Issei who wasn't stupid at all. Caring for his friend from beginning to end (bless this young man), he helped him to figure out all of his issues. But I kind of loved the fact that Mizuho was so absorbed by his problems, worried about Enji, and too busy avoiding him that he wasn't aware of half the story, and so me neither. The reconstruction of Enji's room and all, I really did not see it coming, it was so refreshing! ^^ Thinking, despite all indices! It was really cool, well done (^3^)=b
Love Kids!!
["Koishite Daddy" - "Love Kids!!" - chap 4-5-6 in "Koisuru Daigo-sensei"]
Koe wa Shite Namida wa Mienu Nure Karasu
|Chapter 2| Okay, I really loved the first page so I had to read it (thinking something like *I think it's this ridiculous thing they call 'love at first sight'* and then he's alone and yet say out loud "Kaboom" it's so funny XDDD) But sorry, the first make-out is totally illogical for me since Ugouda Rin's tough personnality, and also since Aizawa Seijji seems to try to be a little manipulative towards him, like forcing Ugouda to befriend him but yet thinking of not going too far, he seems to lie when he's saying he's gay (or rather maybe he's really gay and so it means he was lying when he said he only had few gay friends and was okay with it, so in one or other case, he was lying), I mean so he doesn't approach him toughtlessly. Still he precipitately jumps Ugouda when he has a chance? When Ugouda is weak and with a fever? When you think about his character, Ugouda will never let Aizawa even speak to him anymore, so he woudn't have done it.
Hana No Miyako De
["Hana No Miyako De" - "Hana No Mizo Shiru" - "Hana No Migoro Ni"] I cry everytime... I really love it (maybe more than "Hana no mizo shiru" you know), the story is just too perfect and so on but I hate crying, it sucks. Putain cette fois je n'ai fait que survoler le chapitre 3 et je suis quand même entrain de pleurer, oh bordel.
Hana To Usagi
Awwww, too prompt! What a shame, it was so funny and have potential... Also, too bad for sex scenes.
Ikusen no Toki o Koete