Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai
["Tadayoedo Shizumazu, Saredo Naki Mo Sezu" - "Don't Stay Gold" - "Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai" (- "Op: Yoake Itaru no Iro no Nai Hibi")] |Vol. 9 chapter 58| For the time being it's my favorite manga, really. Yashiro is really a singular character, he is so unique and interesting. He also makes the manga thoughtful, putting full meanings in all his acts, being subtile. The story is really hard and dirty, the theme is pathetic and yet at the same time it's so beautiful and poetic and really thoughtful. Sophisticated dirtiness.
Nishikaidan No Akuma
Euuuuuuuh... ok. Maybe it's related to a jp legend or something...?
Ouji No Hakoniwa
Pas du tout aimé le premier couple, ni leur histoire ni leur personnalité ni leur look, donc gros bide. Deuxième couple, toujours aussi twisted mais celle-là, j'ai aimé.
Ienai Itami o Daite Iru
["Ienai Itami o Daite Iru" - "Rakuda Tsukai To Ouji No Yoru"] Ahh, so good stuff (*u*) I don't know why, really don't know, but I'm crazy about incest yaoi. Maybe that's the best I've only had sisters XDD (...well I just realized that nobody can understand what I mean if I do not specify this: I'm a woman and I'm basically straight)
Koujitsuei no Tobira
["Koujitsuei no Tobira" - First story of "Jin to Neko wa Yobu to Konai"] MMMMMMMMHH-IT WAS SO GREAT! and depressing, but heart-warming, brief bittersweet, I love it! The cover always attracted me, I don't ever know why I waited so long to read it. The only thing that I regret is the only 2 sex-scenes, I know it's great like that but the first scene was so beautiful, oh my god this page...! I want read only yaoi like that, fuck the censorship!!
Choco Strawberry Vanilla
This manga is hard to definite and it gave me so much different feelings at different times..., in this way it is really awesome! At beginning, I was angry, then disgusted by Hiroi attitude: How someone can be so selfish and hurt so much poeple while still saying he's suffering, I was like "just die". Then I was really..., not really disturbed, but more like perturbed and intrigued by Mine as a bottom, like it was a real important stuff and question XD I don't know, I just couldn't take this fact out of my mind, it was like I was looking at an alien, I observed, intrigued is really the word. Brief, yet the story with Hiroi as the uke would be so much less interesting: physically 'cause of the cliché "the girlish weak is the bottom" and for the storyline, this one would turn out on something completely different... And well, after a while, Mine is really great as uke, specially for this 3P I think c= Then I was depressing, everybody seemed to be jealous over another one, and to not say a word about it. Then, after Mine's sentence, when he said something like "If you share me, you can't I do the same?", it becomes awkward: first you're like "ah they finally found someone, this will end smoothly bittersweet" but yet, nothing comes from that, everyone is still jealous and nothing as changed, you don't understand what's happening, what will do the characthers, why there's no one who say something, you don't know what will come next and you're not sure where the mangaka want to get you, you know. And in the end, with the last chapter, you're feeling kind of weirdly heart-warming, despite everything... Isn't it amazing?
So in fact, this manga is really, really, really a good one. No, really, but it'a a very complicated one... No-no-no-no, it's not, instead it's just confusing. And I think it's because of the introduction with the story of the dream about piano, wich one goes nowhere and nobody understand. So when you read the manga (well maybe not for you but it was my case anyway): the different stories go on (one day it's this couple then another, always changing), well what I want to say is, that it was fast and with minimal explanation, and you're like - "I think I understand little by little and also the way the mangaka want me to understand the title "Links" and their stories of all these couples, but... I don't understand... Why?! Am I sleepy? The translator didn't do a good work? I'm not in the mood for this kind of story right now? WTF is happening!? What is it?!" - And everytime the mangaka introduce you a new couple, a new story, you searching the "link" (indeed xp) with the First story of "piano dream", you're thinking about throughout the whole manga reading and it's that, that confuse you. - "who was it in the dream and beside who was the one dreaming? Is it in the past, the futur, the present? etc" - Well you're totally lost because the mangaka introduce you quickly and into small piece on purpose, and with minimal details, but plus, the less related couple to the introduction story up to the one who's the most, so you kind of understand the whole thing only at end, and the real "explanation", the "link" you've been shearching the whole time, about the introduction "dream piano", is appearing only at the very end of the manga, after the introduction of all couples. It's tiring to explain, I don't think I did it well, but one thing is sure, I think that you have to read this manga several time (OR I think just find the page with the portrait of the characters and read it first will really help you, plus in the portraits you find info that you don't see while reading the story, iy's reallly weird) to really understand the story, and what the mangaka want to show, say to you. And more you read it and understand the story , more you know the characters, the couple, more you can see the little details and thinkings, and appreciate this manga and the plot, the manner it was write is, for me, kind of magic, real poestry and beauty, it's kind of amazing.
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