Fukigen Kareshi no Nadamekata
["Nekoka Danshi no Shitsukekata" - "Ikezu Kareshi no Otoshikata" - "Nekoka Kareshi no Ayashikata"] [vol 1: "Kuroneko Kareshi no Asobikata" - vol 2: "Kuroneko Kareshi no Amaekata" - vol 3: "Kuroneko Kareshi no Nakasekata" - vol 4: "Kuroneko Kareshi no Aishikata" - "Fukigen Kareshi no Nadamekata" - vol 5: "Kuroneko Kareshi no Afurekata" - vol 6: "Kuroneko to Kareshi to Ouji" - "Fukigen Kareshi No Saraikata" - vol 7: "Kuroneko Kareshi no Arukikata"] I really like this side story, and Waouuuw, I'm so in love with Ei, all he said and did is perfect XD The must: "Enough is enough" (*o*) XDD
Dekichatta Danshi
["Dekichatta Danshi" - "Dekichatta Shitsuji"] |Chapter 11| No way-! And here I'm waiting since a eternity like a idiot. And why no one would want to translate it the next vol of ''Dekichatta Danshi" but they're ok to translate the relate serie "Dekichatta Shitsuji"?! SERIOUSLY BUT WHY?! FUCK THE LOGIC OR SOMETHING?! IS IT SWAAAAAGG MAYBE? Sorry, it's stupid, calm down... I'm so irritated, I already learned english by myself only to keep reading manga's, damn! Well, fine, Fiiiine! FTW! I'll learn jap now! (è_é)=p Not this one! I won't give up this one!
Nichijousahan Bi - Beautiful Life
I give up XD It's my third and last try of this mangaka: the manga's were really different and even so I found them all *Fuck The Logic* X'D
Tonari No Kare
I really do not think this manga was supposed to be funny but it was too much for me x) The must: I was wondering how the mangaka will make it for the characters to be together. Nothing was coming, it seemed difficult to me. Then, Hana was sick, hospital... there was serious talking about hating children and... BAM!! WTF?!! I didn't see that coming XD (I'm dreaming or is he smoking in a hospital? x)) Bref, weird manga x)
Dropped The story is only about friendship, yet the manga is so gay. It really perturbs me, or/also frustrating maybe?
Ookami No Ketsuzoku
["Kozure Ookami" - "Ookami No Ketsuzoku"]
Kozure Ookami (INOUE Satou)
["Kozure Ookami" - "Ookami No Ketsuzoku"]