Play Boy Blues
["Gaten no aitsu" - "Play boy blues" - "Punch Up" - extra "Punch Up returns" - extra "Punch ↑: c.Hontoni atta kowai Punch↑" - "Mayou Otoko"] |Vol 7 Chap 01| Fuck my God! It's too cool! So first I was into "Punch Up" and while reading it, I learned that "Play Boy Blues" is a prequel so I stopped reading "Punch Up" and started "PPB" I was so happy "Oh YES! It's Shinobu, YES, YES, YES! He's so sexy and funny, ah it's so great" I was glad to see him happy in love, but... that's it. I was just after his body XD So I really started to be borred but I kept reading because it's the prequel of my beloved couple of "Punch Up", and then *God is sometimes too nice* comes this wonderful character: Aki Yoshinari. And just like that the manga gained levels. He is just terrific, we know he's a little dark or depressed with a little problem about his big brother, but nothing to make a fuss about. And THEN, he was betrayed and hurt and angry, and just before our eyes, we see this little bo-chan so proud and arrogant becoming a so sexy evil asshole, totally loosing himself and searching to relieve himself taking his brother as target causing damages around him. And you think "poor lost and sad child" but you know he will be ok later, the author Kano Shiuko is not like that, and you feel since the begining that there will be something between Yoshinari and Haruto. But before that, I'm really enjoying him as a hurted and lost evil asshole, and he is so SEDUCTIVE (he's already wonderful in seme role, but I bet he will be the kind of uke I love the most, a male succubus XD a real little monster, I can't wait!). Oh my god, he's smaller, less impressive than his big brother Yunsuke, and you know he's more childlike, girlish, no not really girlish, but you know he doesn't look like a man but more like a cute boy, a little beauty, you know what I mean? Brief, and after his "transformation", FUCK, he IS SO MUCH MANLY THAN HIS BROTHER!! It's crazy! I'm totally charmed, Yunsuke "c'est du pipi de chat" besides Yoshinari XDDD I never find Yunsuke really interresting, but now I really don't give a fuck XDD Oh! And I really love Takeru too, I find him so cute and funny <3 When Yoshinari begining his break out and said him "let me do you", I was like "NOOOOOO, stop it! I don't want! Let him be! FUCK! Go go go go, escape Takeru!" and I was so relieved when he hits him in the next chapter, he was with little tears in his eyes, like a little girl to who some guy stole a kiss, so chocked, it was so funny XDD It's great, I'm really waiting the next chapters anxiously :3
Kibun Wa Joujou!
Didn't like the last couple, wanted Seito x Yuu, and that the stories were a little longer.
Kozure Ookami (INOUE Satou)
["Kozure Ookami" - "Ookami No Ketsuzoku"]
Unmei no Kisu wa Oazuke
|Chapter 4| This alpha, on some page make a face- he's so cute. And generally I'm grossed out by an uke who looks or acts girly, and even cross-dressing disturbs me, or yaoi with child who calls the uke in the parent pairing "Mom", you're serious? I mean it's not because they're uke that they're taking women's place, it's so sexist to think this way around, they're still men, they have pride and all, don't they?! I think it's because Nanao is so cool, kinda playboy too and acts like he wants and with pride, that it doesn't bothers me even if he REALLY looks like a girl, his looks, blushing face, his gesture while sex, his thoughts are so shojo... Non en fait, sur certaines pages il ressemblait vraiment trop à une fille, à un tel point que je pense que, dans les faits je savais que c'était un homme mais que je ne le voyais pas en lisant, comprends? Pour moi c'était une fille.
Gokudou Darling
C'est joli, j'aime les perso, la problématique... alors, c'est quoi cette fin toute pourrie, et le frère y en avait vraiment besoin, dès le début dans un manga aussi court? Je trouve ça tellement con. Cet auteur a des problèmes, c'est le troisième manga qui me fait penser "putain, rapport choucroute".
Gaten Na Aitsu