Jigoku Meguri
It's the first time of my life... I've already cried because a fiction was too sad or bittersweet, by empathie, but I never cried because something was really beautiful. I really cried because of that, it's unbelievable. Seriously, I don't even understand what I'm feeling!: my heart is sqeezing in a way I don't recognize, I don't know this emotion, I've never felt it before, it's crazy.
Touch Me Again
The main story is so beautiful, so well done, really it's amazing, so apart. The oneshot, I knew I've already read it, and I'm so glad I re-find it, this oneshot is one of my fav ever, poetic, sadly beautiful.
Datte Maou-sama Wa Kare Ga Kirai
|Chapter 10.5|
|Chapter 1 - Displacement| !!Not complete scanlation available (should have 10 chapters)
Ano Ko To Juliet
Chapter 1 is so cute I almost cried, my heart is squeezing so hard, ah fuck I'm gonna have a cardiac arrest, my fucking god, gyaahhh! All the stories are so sweet, warm, ahhhhh, the feels man, THE FEELS!
Punch ↑: c.Hontoni atta kowai Punch↑
["Gaten no aitsu" - "Play boy blues" - "Punch Up" - extra "Punch Up returns" - extra "Punch ↑: c.Hontoni atta kowai Punch↑" - "Mayou Otoko"]
Kimi to Kore kara