Brother X Brother
Putain... en fait, c'est tout pourrixx?! XDDD
Oita ga Sugiru wa Koneko-chan
["Kono Ore Ga Omae Nanka Suki Na Wakenai" - "Oita ga Sugiru wa Koneko-chan"] It felt like it was going to be a "long" story, this becomes interresting ^^ Well, it was not (a long story), FTW
Rakuda Tsukai To Ouji No Yoru
["Ienai Itami o Daite Iru" - "Rakuda Tsukai To Ouji No Yoru"] The difference between the first and the last story is crazy huge XDD I loved the first story when still it was, like sweet marshmallow, so not my type, anti-me! XD I was all the time "Oh my god. Oh my god." I'm ashamed with myself XDD
Ikura Nandemo Suki Sugiru
Ridiculously not interresting, I just loved the last chapter and I think it's too bad it wasn't a main story, itself a manga.
Ani No Chuukoku
|Chapter 0.2| I AM SO INTO THE BROTHERS, LIKE MAD XD I was reading chapter 1, really take a liking to them, and was already there "Oh my god, is there really 6 chapter about this?! Like really?!". On the last page, I was praying "Please another chapter about them, Please-please-pretty pleaaaaase!" and then "Noooooooooooooooooo~ It will be a manga of oneshooooooooots~" Rha fuck, why... the others stories were interesting, but... noooooooooooooooo~ dejected TT_TT
First Thing I Do When I Wake Up.
I loved it.. but if they do a sequel serie, I would love it even more xp
Kyoudai no Rule
|Chapter 3|