Hidoku Shinaide
["Hidoku Shinaide" - crossover vol 3 chap 5.5 in "Elektel Delusion" - extra "Yasashiku Shinaide" - extra "Shinaide Mix" - extra "Onsen Flag Kaishuu!!" - extra "Omocha ni Shinaide"] |Vol 7 Chap 6.5| This manga is full of... Inspiration. Really I'm reading this manga only for Maya, he's too perfect, sexy, hot and cute. I just love the story and their relationship, their sex sessions are so hot (MAYA SO HOT.) and their reactions/love for each other are so cute <3 but honestly, Nemugasa's personnality IN ADDITON WITH his looks, it's too much, it disgusts me a little, I would like Maya let him at least relook himself, even just the hair would be good... (TTmTT) My-ya-ya-ya-Waouw! The chapter 19.2. Oh, Maya~ <3 and Shimakawa, aye-ya-yaye
Elektel Delusion Dj - Gosouteki Mannerism
["Elektel Delusion" - crossover chap 16.2-19.1 in "Hidoku Shinaide" - extra "Gosouteki Mannerism"] |Chapter 2| It was so fucking good, after this I just love everybody in the world, I'm just in total bliss. No seriously, I'm not kidding, I'm really feeling like I found Nirvana. Love you guys.
Kocchi Muite, Ai
En fait j'ai vraiment aimé, je sais pas exactement pourquoi mais c'était trop cool et pourri en même temps. Je pense que ça aurait pu être plus extraordinaire (je pensais à Yoneda Kou en lisant, me disant que ça aurait pu être une de ses histoires, ça aurait été tellement épique, par contre on n'aurait pas eu ces magnifiques scènes 200% yaoi, le dilemme) Yaoi will always amaze me "You're whining because my woman was loud when I fucked her, and because of you she's gone. Why don't you take her place?" wtf XDDD Is there anybody in the world who'll say that?!
Shingeki no Kyojin dj - Love Letter
["Attack on Titan" - Levi x Eren] Just Awesome. The story, the art, the title "clin d'oeil", the characters's personnality, so great -so great- so great! What I loved the most was the "materialisation" of pheromones in smoke so "we" can "see" it: So. Cool. "WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE GUYS. WE ARE BLESSED FUJOSHIS, WE ARE TRULY BLESSED #ALLHAILMOTHERYAOI" XDDD Sooooooooooo that! Now, I want another volume with them later, wanting babies, making babies and raising babies, VOILA!
Nemuri Otoko to Koi Otoko
To say I read yaoi for like, almost 10 years, and still din't find this one quicker or even by myself: Shame on me.
Unmei no Kisu wa Oazuke
|Chapter 4| This alpha, on some page make a face- he's so cute. And generally I'm grossed out by an uke who looks or acts girly, and even cross-dressing disturbs me, or yaoi with child who calls the uke in the parent pairing "Mom", you're serious? I mean it's not because they're uke that they're taking women's place, it's so sexist to think this way around, they're still men, they have pride and all, don't they?! I think it's because Nanao is so cool, kinda playboy too and acts like he wants and with pride, that it doesn't bothers me even if he REALLY looks like a girl, his looks, blushing face, his gesture while sex, his thoughts are so shojo... Non en fait, sur certaines pages il ressemblait vraiment trop à une fille, à un tel point que je pense que, dans les faits je savais que c'était un homme mais que je ne le voyais pas en lisant, comprends? Pour moi c'était une fille.
Dos Obake Ga Nekasetekurenai
|Vol 2 Chapter 05|
Me o Tojite 3-Byou