Yoru To Asa No Uta
["Yatamomo" - "Sumomo" - "Aru Otoko no Uta" - "Yoru To Asa No Uta"] It's sad, fucked up, cruel, and somehow still manage to be a beautiful story. God. I really wasn't enjoying it but then with chapter 7 when they first have sex since they're dating (and first time since a few months apparently), the love scene was so sweet, so special, it almost made me cry, damn it.
Namida Hanamizu Gusyogusyo Danshi
|Vol 3 Chapter 0| Ce Niina c't'un chien! XD
Void (zariya Ranmaru)
--I'm sure I'll cry.-- --And finally not XD It was really cool, I'm smiling right now ^^--
Coyote (ZARIYA Ranmaru)
|Chapter 3| Update! Update! Update- uuup-date. Update! Update! Update- uuup-date~ <= this is a song
Sweet Heart Trigger
"Ok the plot was a shit as big as a house but Cole is just gold, HE IS PURE GOLD OMG HAHAHAHAHA I cracked up so high with everything The gun, the kink, the luscious ass, Alex junior, THE PATIENCE of Alex senior looool I'm amazed, I fell in love with Cole, so cheaply dramatic <3 This shit is the shit one likes only because is so shitty one can't help but to love it xD" And I was also dead laughing at "After Alex, everything is beautiful. A dog shitting... BEAUTIFUL." XDDDDD "PLEASE SLAP ME IN THE FACE WITH YOUR DICK" I so died at that XDDD
Kocchi Muite, Ai
En fait j'ai vraiment aimé, je sais pas exactement pourquoi mais c'était trop cool et pourri en même temps. Je pense que ça aurait pu être plus extraordinaire (je pensais à Yoneda Kou en lisant, me disant que ça aurait pu être une de ses histoires, ça aurait été tellement épique, par contre on n'aurait pas eu ces magnifiques scènes 200% yaoi, le dilemme) Yaoi will always amaze me "You're whining because my woman was loud when I fucked her, and because of you she's gone. Why don't you take her place?" wtf XDDD Is there anybody in the world who'll say that?!
Iyayoiyayo mo kiss no uchi
|Chapter 4.5| Poor Megumi, what kind of disease is that? Just a slight touch makes him "Woouaaa~". To be so sensible... I pity him.
Miwaku Shikake - Amai Wana