Boy meets Girl
So it was interesting, some weird plot logique by times and the end with the baby... I would liked seeing their way through it, how their relationship worked and so on (the baby himself, what the fuck, why is it talking like an adult, hate it). The comic is great if you stop reading at the end of the main story (when at the end of the chapter Cheol-ho comes back to Jintae, tired and with a bittersweet face) after that it way less deep and builded, turned their messed-up relationship in something almost cute, like it was okay.
Midarana Omega wa Koi wo Shinai
["Midarana Omega wa Koi wo Shinai" - "Aware na Beta wa Koi wo Shiranai"] |Vol.1 Ch.5|
Unfinished Business
|Chapter | Fuck the logic XD Some authors want to write something dark and/or psychological because of trends and money, I dare to think. And while without having capacities of making so or knowing how to do it, they still choose to do it, and here is the result. It's just bad and smut, and makes it hilarious sometimes because script or scenario can be incomprehensible XD
Minmotion Syndrome