Yorube Naki Mono
|Chapter 3 - Discontinued| Discontinued, guys, really.. (TT◡TT) I despise you, Yoneda Kou... *Cry like a child*
Kohitsuji Project
|Chapter 7 - Licensed| Wouinnnnnnh, il y a pas de suite!!! TTATT
Kiraboshi Dial
Liquor & Cigarette
|Chapter 3| Wh- Where's the next chapter?! Y- Y- You can't let us here like this, how is it possible there's not continuation? Oh my god, an update! After years, but still!
Dear Benjamin 1.5
|Chapter | I like it, it's a pretty built story, Isaac is dangerous and tough (for "once" the uke is cool/the cooler). But too bad cause the plot is "realistic", mature, deep and then, Felix come, with a childish attitude and ruin every serious business. The first impression is good, he is sexy, serious, looks dangerous and to know his business,.. he's a fucking leader, boss in arms trafficking, worlwide knowed, and still, you don't know how, doesn't act like it. Besides that, fell in love with Isaac out of nowhere (he spoke with him 2 times 3 sec and Bam), too fast, and started acting like a 10 years old in love, ugh.. and he speaks too much. While sensitive moments (critical emotional) he runs a monologue of love and possessiness ruining the climax yet I'm sure 4 words or conveys max 2 ideas within 2 sentences would have a greater impact. I am sad, I would have liked it more if the "heavy" and triller mood was held the whole story and so adjust Felix's character.
We Only Held Hands
|Chapter 87| It made me laugh at first, too bad the author didn't keep the mood (it's poorly written so going to serious with the mood make the comic looking lame). The main problem for me is characters building. And there's thing really getting on my nerve, frist Will's tattoo keep changing place or disappearing (not important but I NEED to say it), second characters change their look without reason and logic (the reason is the author need them to be more lovable, I saw it so it's fucking annoying), third the way characters are in love or their dynamic couple ended to be too similar (Like Terry changed too much but ok, then Will ended just like Terry.. why? They are totally not the same)
Bye Bye
Poorly written, so it's bad. Loved the miscarriage and all the psychological aspect of the plot (suicide, therapy for psychopath (xD)), it changes but rarely well handled (the worst was the family gathering after the miscariage, the author wanted it to not be too heavy and so use the gag "he cries easily" the whole fucking chapter, one not funny and two if you empathise at least a little with the couple who lost their baby, it was fucking horrible to read). And what the heck with this end, it's not finished.
Ore Ni Koi Shite Dousunda