Even Dogs Fall in Love
SIZE DIFFERENCE COUPLE I LOVE U… and sora i will die for u…. Hes so cute oh god….. author and their neverending love for airheaded, twinky mcs,,, youre so real…. i love the pacing and atmosphere in this so much. Its fast paced but theres this sense of airy, whimsical feeling to it that ties it really well together? It makes sense with the fun lil pompom doggy transformation!! Fuwa fuwa trope with a fuwa fuwa atmosphere!! Author nailed it and its so clear that they had so much fun doing this lol. The art is gorgeous as always!!! I fucking love the panels in this, all of matsuda’s silent stares hold so much intensity, it made me feel breathless and ch5 where matsuda had a flashback of them falling asleep on call together and sora’s sweet “i miss u no matter we’re at school or at home. I want to be with u” AHHHHH so cute… sora the sweetest goodest boy…… matsuda u lucky mf But also real talk, matsuda’s granny’s lil side story is so so heartwarming and bittersweet, everytime shes on screen plus with the way she interacts with sora/her dog it just makes me tear up idk how author does it but the way the author weaves such a lighthearted story but still able to tug achey heart strings with the “human outlives pet” theme and make it seem cohesive with the main plot… its magical…. It rlly is such a sweet and warm story…. i love u granny its just the sweetest seriously. I love this author so much, they write such simple yet well thought out characters(how??) so well… theyre just so likable… uwa TT also big big ups to author for never failing in the anatomy department bc holy shit those sex scenes were amazing. The dynamic angles!!! The line movement!!! Simple confident lines that hold so much detail and expressive feeling in each scene!!!! Sora you adorable twink!!!!! Masterful fucking work!!!!! I love the way u can See the bones,joints and limbs in the way their body interacts, its so damn satisfying to see…. God im obsessed seriously, amazing lineart too.. Author goated as always
Lying Puppies Get Eaten
YESSSSS SO CUTE SO SILLY SO FLUFFY I LOVE IT give me 10 of these i will eat these with a quickness also the art??? Absolutely gorgeous im obsessed
Tsuki wa Michikake Kemono no Koi
A very pleasant lighthearted read!! Yokai x human stories always gets my heart aching with the eventual parting the couple will go through bc of their different lifespans and this is exactly what happened i love how sweet and simple it is, two lonely individuals finding comfort with one another and building a life from the love they cultivated for one another and giving it a whole new meaning; my favourite love story theme forever!!!!! The art style is gorgeous, author’s work is stunning and the characters are sweet and lovable. I adore haku, i ache at his abandonment anxiety, hes jsut so cute and wonderful TTT i would have enjoyed chapters and chapters of their slice of life in the country side and the ending was wonderful too, im so happy haku finally got to disappear and join izuki, what a good boy to have waited to patiently and earnestly through all the years, kept the house as best as he could even with all the vines growing TTTT “the pain he gave me is kind and sweet.” The way i teared up… oh the inevitable pain of being loved…. What a satisfying read, obsessed with the final panel, so simple so peaceful and so quiet. They deserve this sweetness, 10/10!!!!
Three Little Pigs