On or Off
oh this got me in a gorilla vice grip ive put aside reading this for so long bc of the second hand embarassment the first few chapters made me feel dhjdhd GOD all this time it was just yiyoung’s vivid imagination GHDJDHDJ im so happy i powered thru it bc this!!! This is just a fun light hearted and enjoyable read ahhhh LOVEEEE the cute lil office romance im a sucker for dilfs GOD I AMMMMM daehyung and gunwoo from dangerous konbini are so !! slams fist!! MIDDLE AGED MEN!!!! DILFS!!! WITH THEIR LIL TWINKS!!! My favourite dynamic MY BREAD AND BUTTER AWOOGA and bonus points for daehyung bc his lil wrinkles were prominent!!! Superior character design i eat that shit up AND AHHHH I LOVE I LOVEEEEE yiyoung THATS MY BABYYYYYY i love how professional and sweet he is ahhh always does his best JSUT THE BESTEST BOYYYTHY god i love all the characters in here its sooo good im so emotionally invested with daehyung and yiyoung’s relationship theyre so adorable :(( its so cute to see daehyung being so endeared and giddy at yiyoung’s antics like old man!! Good for u!!!! God just im so happy i spent my entire day reading this aaa i wanna reread again its so fun TTTT the dynamic “a fell first but b fell harder” GAHHHHHH DAEHYUNG MY GENTLE BIG BEEFY DILF AGHHHH i love his italic Oh moment its soooo sweet especially when daehyung hears yiyoung’s friend talk about him talking accountability for his actions LMAO and secretary cha a real one I LOVE HER the wlw and mlm solidarity she had going on with daehyung was hilarious JUST AHHH 10s all around author i will kiss ur brain SO fucking good 10/10 all around love the pacing the anatomy especially the fingers WHEW even the sex scenes and characters are all so enjoyable to read i love every moment of this!!!
Bye Bye
THIS IS JUST PERFECTION FOR MEEEEEE AHHHH ONE OF MY FAVOURITE BLS FOR SURE OH MY GOD??? The seamless flirting and the way they fell for eachother was so smooth sailing i didnt even realize the shift bc the progression was so natural?? And i LOVE the depth in seoyoo’s character!!!! I love that the author didnt take his suicide attempt at the beginning lightly and i loveeeee how yeonwoo has so much doubt, anxiety and depression he has, especially knowing the kind of life hes living. Idk just seeing the mc actually having this emotional conflict with himself but also being so humorous at the same time to mask his shitty life… I JUST LOVE HIM SO MUCH god hes so pretty and cute too AAA and he Knows he can reel ANYONE with his seduction LIKE CMON NOW!!! i love my mcs confident and self doubting as hell all at the same time theyre so real LMAO DONT GET ME STARTED WITH THE ML HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIOOOOOIO FINE ASS oh my GOD the ml had me kicking my feet giggling he is so so sweet holy shit??? Like head over heels in love and devoted for mc I??? AHHH??? And the ml’s family oh bless their heart theyre the family the mc deserves so much:((( and ml’s family adores mc so much too AHHHHH Definitely gonna reread this its just so so cute and sweet especially with how the ml cares for mc so tenderly aaa I LOVE IT SO MUCH YO I SHOULDNT HAVE SLEPT ON THIS BL THIS IS A GEM FOR SURE
Gochisousama ga Kikoenai!
OH THIS BANGS?????????? The ml is so horny for the mc AND POSSESSIVE AS HELL TOO AUGHHHHHH That panel in chapter 5 where he just looked down right murderous when he realised its the incubus fucking the mc AURRRR AND THE ANGSTY MISUNDERSTANDINGS????? THE SIZE DIFFERENCE????? OLDER ML TOO OHHHHH AUTHOR JUST KEEPS ON SERVING??!!!!!!!!!! this author and tojou sakana writes dirty talk so well, it amplifies the desperation and filthiness of the sex scene so good OHHH two goated queens
Hajime no Koi (NISHIMOTO Rou)
AHHHHHHHHHHH THIS WAS SUCH A SWEET READ TTTT LOVEEE the characters love the dynamic LOVEEEE me a middle aged gangster/yakuza seme whos deep down a gentle, caring dude and an earnest, pure hearted uke (with GLASSES!!!!!) i eat this shit UP!!!!!!!!!! my favourite fucking trope and dynamic it will always be numero uno in my heart mamiya and kousaka are so so thoughtful of each other and the way they both bonded over animals while their feelings grow for each other is so !!!! TTTTT its so wholesome TTT mamiya’s conflict about his past and identity and kousaka’s struggles in a relationship was written so well TT they both yearn to love and be loved so much AHHH they really deserve each other :(((((( the time skip bonus was a cherry on top too especially how they kept on reassuring each other of their futures :((( good for them truly, its so fucking cute
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