YEAHHHHHHHH a very fun read love nokyoung’s character development albeit a bit stiff and awkward at times and very? Textbooky “i did bad before but i will be good now!” Like zero introspection into his character which is a shame to not include bc chara depth!!!!!!!!! But oh well if u just read it with thought and acceptance that Oh we are never gonna get chara depth then its easy to shut your brain when u read it lmao Kudos to the way the author wrote nokyoung and junil’s push and pull romance tho it was great like wow theres flirting in here???? Not straight to sex like whew the buildup was satisfying and the way they banter is cute too! The communication made it easier but The conflict (like nokyoung not telling junil immediately what he saw ((hanil and hyunjae kissing))) was a bit unnecessary like it definitely could have been solved quickly and nokyoung’s constant not wanting to burden junil was a bit ooc (like yall communicated just fine before?) but its okayyyyy we gotta have some drama and spice for a story lol so its bearable. The conflict of not wanting to be seen together was pretty valid from nokyoung’s side so to see it resolved without junil saying sorry and validating it felt a bit hm. Hm lol. Another funny thing is hyunjae’s switch up in character that was insanely ooc and sudden Lmao but im guessing the author wanted to wrap up things as quickly as possible so oh well lol theres a good chunk of parts and scenes where it just didnt make sense and was very dramatic and almost nonsensical but since u can see that the artist/author didnt want to highlight it that much its not that big of a deal i guess lol the story’s theme is very centered on nokyoung’s path to redemption (which should include more self conflict imo) but more? Speed run i guess? And its okay still A fun 4/5 stars, author came to write what they wanted to write with no big overarching plot that fell flat and im happy enough for that lol, characters were okay, couple dynamic was fun and the call back to their flirting (lifes not a video, you cant replay it/ we’re close enough for that) is so cute lol i love it theyre adorable good for them
The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player
Mc cold as hell lmao but given the amount of times he regressed its understandable. Its a nice read! I quite like the mc’s structure and background as a character. Sure hes exceptionally cold hearted in the game but irl he rlly cares for his brother, hes just a tad bit manipulative with julie and the other members hes bound to pick up (lol all great mcs gotta be manipulative a bit cmon its flavourful) and surprising enough, if julie were to be his end game girl (bc who knows right) then im quite okay with it bc theres history to them (from both sides) and julie’s cute too lol i love black short haired girls alright TTT something about julie’s character feels well written, not as well written as orv of course but its definitely better than sl’s cha haein LOL. Theres colour and personality to her character that i can appreciate. the english name threw me off tho, i wonder if its supposed to be joori instead? Who knows Anyway two gripes i have about the mc is that his skills are insanely convenient and op BUT again its understandable bc 100 times regression right right but in a way it kind of puts off the curiosity regarding the plot a bit. Idk how orv makes its plot so engaging but for this one it didnt rlly leave me that attached to the characters or world building. Also some of the mc’s dialogue is awfully cliche shounen tropey lol its such a big gap with how cold he is as a character in the game. Idk just a small observation that puts me off sometimes LMAO. Art is gorgeous though. Love that hes using a scythe!!!!! And love his cute lil twink ass!!!!! Hes so short irl its so cute lol kinda ship him with dark knight guy lol the potential is definitely there. Overall its a nice feel good shounen manhwa
Love these tropes so much, the already established casual intimacy especially now knowing their backgrounds in their past, makes this even better :’) “you’re just as beautiful as ever.” Oh my heart….. theyre finally doing things they arent able to do in the past aaaa artist rlly knows how to tug the heartstrings so bittersweetly :’) the atmosphere as always is so muted, sweet and dreamy, i love artist’ line work so much ;-; its so delicate and detailed all at the same time. Rlly carries that added sense of warmth and comfort in every panel :’)
Utakata no Koe wo Kiite
CINEMA I ALREADY KNOWWWWWW ITS GONNA BE A BANGER i fucking love the art style especially the juxtaposition of hopeful romance + sudden intense gore scenes at what the curse entailed. Author captured the whimsicality and poignant, bittersweet love thats present in hans endersen’s little mermaid really well in this!
Shi ni Modori no Mahou Gakkou Seikatsu wo, Moto Koibito to Prologue Kara