The Man Who Saved Me on my Isekai Trip is a Killer
For those who don't know/not familiar with Egyptian mythology: Heads up there is a lot of incest, it's actually quite common in a lot of mythology so we can just glide past it. In the original myth: Osiris was powerful and ruled over Egypt and was also married to isis. Seth who was married to nephythys was jealous of his power and that he was able to wed isis. So he decided to hold this "competition", to see who's able to fit into this "box" (coffin) perfectly, when osiris decides to try it out for himself it fitted perfectly because seth had custome made that box to perfectly fit osiris. Unbeknownst to everyone it was a coffin and seth decides to enclose the coffin and threw that coffin into the nile river. Isis found out what had happened and decides to go in search for the coffin. Knowing that she found it, when isis wasn't paying attention to the body, seth decided to cut osiris' body into 9 or so pieces and scattered it around Egypt. Isis then went in a search to recover all those body parts as a bird. She found all the body parts except one; his penis, which apparently got swallowed by a fish in the nile. It's also because of this incomplete recovery that osiris became the God of the dead. Together with the help of nephthys they resurrected osiris long enough for isis to conceived horus. Afterwards isis and horus went into hiding from seth and came back to take back the throne after horus was strong and old enough. Ofc they had the trial of the ennead and ma'at as the judge. During the fight for the throne it was believed it never ended, but in some context it's said it lasted for 80years and most of the battles were won by horus. In one of the battles where seth suggested to fight as hippos underwater, in the midst of trying to help her son isis tried to harpoon seth but missed and hit horus twice. After seth won the battle horus was angry at his mom and ripped her head off, but thoth replaced her head with a cow's head. Isis still forgave her son. At some point during a fight seth ripped horus' eye while horus ripped one of seth's balls. During the battle for the throne seth tried to rape horus but failed as horus had caught his semen in his hand. Horus quickly went to his mother, where she cut off horus' hand and washed it in the nile river. She then took some of horus' semen and wrapped in the cabbage so that seth would eat it, which he did. (It was believed semen was poisonous) Seth tried to assert dominance by telling the ennead that he had put sperm into horus, but horus did an uno reverse and said nuh uh and said seth is the one that had his sperm. So ma'at judged them and well well well seth has horus' sperm and to a degree got pregnant. Another interesting thing is that ra actually sided with seth claiming he was more powerful. But ofc horus' still won so ra adopted seth I believe. Seth is a very interesting character in my opinion both in this manhwa and in the myth. In the myth seth was actually infertile, he also mainly ate lettuce since it secreted a white substance similar to semen. He's also bisexual and believed to have 'odd sexual behaviours'. Unlike his siblings when his bother gave birth to him he ripped out from her. Another reason why love this manhwa is that the author put quite a lot of research into this work and put her own little twist into it which is so cool!!
Hogu Hagyeongsu