tinyrock's manga / #Historical(3)

Living Will

Complete | mina (미나),ziho | 2019 released
2021-06-06 04:02 marked

Janet is an assassin who kills people for money, she then has to do a job that requires her to get closer to a drug distributor. Along the way she meets Jeanne who is close to that person she has to kill, will this have a happy ending or does it end in tragedy?

Moonlight Garden (Kang Unnie)

Complete | Kang Unnie,MissPM | 2017 released
2020-07-28 03:52 marked

Wow…this one was a roller coaster, it’s really good for a first time gl. Definitely check this one out!

Innocent (sakamoto Shinichi)

Complete | sakamoto shinichi | 2013 released
2021-09-27 16:59 marked

Such an amazing cliff hanger, the second book is out so there is no wait but if it was not there it would have me wanting for a more satisfying watch. Although amazing there is child exploitation, exploitation of a minor and grooming involved. Other than that it is worth the read, it gets better as the story goes!