literally the title. a girl who’s a villainess in a story gets expelled from the school (and is never seen again in the game), now gets to live the life she wants running a strawberry cafe in a small town!
this is sauauuruerrererrr cute I could read it forever >_< I just love it. well, I love Eileen. ngl kargo doesn’t have much of a personality when he’s human but like whateva what’s important is how he treats my girl. and that’s 10/10. but bro is so godawful at hiding his secret LMAO. I said commenters complaining that she was too nice abt the students and it was unrealistic but tbf.. she was right abt the girls like it’s not their fault. they genuinely thought mc girl was nice bc they’d never seen her act out. the boys on the other hand. whatever.
upd like 2 days later: I’m SORRY this is just so cute >o< I totally love this series the fluff is KILLING ME
upd again: god mc’s reaction to kargo’s secret was so UNDERWHELMING bro react more! the kitty u been playing with is the guy u like..? um… ok
edit again: lil bro that trial chapter was sooo anti climactic bffr and if there’s gonna be stuff abt ur real life (barely touched on before) DON’T JUST DROP IT ON US. wdym u didn’t recognise UR REAL LIFE BOSS’s appearance as ur friend in this world. Cmon man CMON
again: Eileen pick a personality challenge
I’m a Banished Villainess, but I’m Accompanied by a Fluffy Creature?! My Peaceful Life Starts