Gintama dj - Where Is Your Switch?
best boyfriend ever! spoiler: urethra insertion
Kitsu ka nu shisen
A hot tempered student bonds with his sensei over basketball but they both want more from each other.
Venus ni Seppun
(10/10) Absolutely beautiful. Beautifully written, beautifully drawn, and beautifully represented. A twisted pairing where one can't live without the other, even if they want to kill the very being they love.
a collection of oneshots about different salarymen at the same company who smoke + really cute cat story at end
Kaikan Massage
Straight porn no plot. Very very good porn tho. Summary: Guy goes to a masseuse.
Pick Up
Plot twist included. Trust nothing. SMUTTY AF SUPER HOT *///* PET PLAY
Mujihi Na Otoko
Definitely one of my all time faces! I could reread this manga 100 times! The couple fit so well together buy they're each such complex characters. I just live their relationship so much; from unrequited love to possessive lovers. I feel like this may be reminiscent of how Gabriel x Kevin's relationship progresses.
Midare Somenishi Dj - Adesugata Emaki
A very smutty oneshot about a captured samurai with a vendetta against his brother's killer.
Uchi No Tenshi Ga Kemono Deshita.
Ch. 1 - at first i was put off by the whole immediately fallen in love/perfect for each other thing but i decided to keep reading because the maid was so adorably cute. BOI, am i glad i did! that twist had me FLOORED. and the way he changed!! Yes! "Call me Nagisa" indeed. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Kalimeris Porno