Anxiety of Soul
Yuugure no Machi
I don't know if there's more to the main story or if the remaining chapters are going to be oneshots or something, but I really like this as is. I actually kind of wish there was more with the boyfriend and what not. I liked that surprise, and how he was tied to this dangerous man, but then it never went anywhere. At least it was sweet that it brought out the characters' feelings for one another even more.
This is super screwed up, but I kind of love it. The characters are aware of how sick the guy is, and I like that it isn't a story about a pedophile banging kids, but rather, the story of one of his victims grown up after all that time. It isn't as simple as one time revenge. The story seems to actually have substance, and I'm excited to see where it goes.
So sweet, if not a bit rushed at the end. I want to read more about these two. They're so cute.
Hakoiri Musuko
Kind of... strange. Very short oneshot based on getting back at a crappy father. The sick brother is weirdly naive, but I guess it's because he's in a plastic bubble? I feel like someone would have told him at some point not to pull his penis out in front of other people and shout, "It's here!" when he gets an erection.
Call Of The Wind
Strange oneshot. It was too short and random to really make me sad. I don't understand what it was about or why that guy was there. Is he just some dude who likes little boys? Or was he serious about being a slave trader?
B.s.s.m. - Blood Sugar Sex Magic
This is sweet so far, if not a little confusing. I'm intrigued, and I want to see more of these pretty boys, regardless. The drug usage is interesting, but I wonder if it'll be a part of the story from here on out. It's sort of strange as an afterthought, but whatever. I'm eager to see where it goes, might change the rating to five if things get clearer.
Zip Up Boy
Yeah, this is pretty bad. There was nothing redeeming about it. I mean, it's a rare case of the victim not ending up with the rapist, but I'm not sure if it even really counts when the rapist is never held accountable, and everyone is just down with how things went. This mangaka seems to feel that sex just isn't sex if someone isn't forcing it onto someone. That aside, the art is awful, the storytelling is poor, the dialogue is confusing, and there's just no reason to read this. I don't know why I still did. I guess just because it's hard to find stories where rape isn't happening between the seme and uke. But man, it may as well have been with how shitty and shallow this was.
Kami-sama Darling