Girl's World
I read the first few chapters and rated it three stars, but I'm switching to "want to read" so that I stop getting notices. I'm not sure if I want to continue this one or not. I dunno. For one, I'm not sure why any of these people want to be this chick's friend so badly. She's pretty rude and selfish all the time. I would have rather seen her journey to becoming more confident, and I'd like her more if she were still fat, just cause you so rarely see fat female characters in manga/manwha. I'm hoping something satisfying comes of this. So far, it just seems like lots of mean things happen, but nothing changes. I am glad that she wasn't flattered by the guys who only liked her after she lost weight. That would have made things so much more annoying. I'll stay tuned for now, but I'm hoping this starts to have a bit more substance.
Ore no Oniku-chan
Holy crap. I was not expecting to love this as much as I did! I want to keep reading about these two! I don't know if the cliffhanger with the ex is due to another volume coming or tied into the spin off with the ex, but I don't want this to be the end of their story. So freaking sweet and perfect! I thought it was going to be typical shoujo-esque silliness with no substance. It was so much more. I also really, really liked the stuff with his ex. I wish there were more stories with ex-boyfriend issues where the guy doesn't end up back with the abusive piece of crap or whatever. Seriously, though, I hope someone translates the spin off soon. And I hope we get more work from this author! So far, love her stuff!
Amaama-kun No Okashi Na Yuuwaku