otakulys's manga / #thriller(2)

Acid Town

Ongoing | kyuugou | 2008 released

Wow, I've been meaning to read this forever, and I can't believe it took me this long. This was not at all what I was expecting. I hate that I have to wait now. I hope it updates more soon. But seriously, I went in expecting way more cliches and shallow character motivations. This is an intense thriller, not just plotless smut. I'm always looking for stuff like that, but rarely does it bay off in this way. Plus, gorgeous art. I'm scared it's gonna have a sad ending, or a bittersweet one, and I'm pretty sure at least one of the characters I like will die, so that sucks, but I'm hoping it's all worth it in the end.

Household Affairs

Complete | VultureBoy,ButcherBOY | 2015 released

I read it cause of the chubby chick, cause I like when the hentai has fat (or at least pudgy) girls, and the husband was annoying as hell at first, but sorta interesting. It was a big old mess, though, and it had the worst conclusion. To be fair, I did skim a lot of it because it couldn't hold my interest--which is a shame, because this had a concept different from most hentai--but the woman I hated the absolute most from the very moment I saw her was the only one to not only live, but get exactly what she wanted. Ugh, I wish there was a follow up with her getting her head stomped in. Screw this story. x_x Based on the way everyone acted, they all should have died. But especially that one chick. >_<