Shunshou Nawageshou
I read the comments and actually expected this to be way worse. It was too brief to really have an impact, though the ending was certainly cruel. It made me sad when his friend was so excited to hear from him and see him, when we know the true reason for all of it. Other than that, it was kind of rushed, and I skimmed the smut scene because I wasn't fond of the art, nor the type of sexual exchange. At any rate, it had potential to really offer a sucker punch at the end, but it's otherwise unremarkable.
Tentative four until there are more chapters. Pretty art, though the plotline makes me nervous. Gross things often happen in stories like this, plus the racial divide makes me uncomfortable. But I'll reread the two chapters from the beginning once there's more here, and I can form a better opinion then. Fingers crossed that it's good.
Sin of Heart
Ooh, this looks like something I'd really like. Which means it'll probably let me down completely. But for now! I like that they have this history between them. I hope it's a solid story and not just a bunch of pathetic misunderstandings and/or rape-forgiveness. I'm intrigued, either way.