Shichi Ji Sanjuu Nifun Nanaryoume No Kimi
Wait, so was it a fantasy or not? A little confused, but whatevz. I liked elements of the concept, but it was kind of boring and typical otherwise. The artist could have done so much more with it.
Sambong Barber Shop
I like the main character a lot. Usually girls in stories like this are very timid to make up for their utterly offensive appearance, like how dare you be ugly! I do think it's pretty telling that only the women get this virus. At any rate, I started reading this with cautious optimism. Most of the time, stories like this are disappointing or even insulting. I can't say that this one entirely shied away from that, but once Park Jangmi finally told that dude off for being a jerk, I felt like the story was beginning to turn around. Uuuuunfortunately, I'm just now noticing that this hasn't been updated in three years. That really sucks. I'd like to read more. But at least it didn't end on a cliff hanger. Maybe someday it'll start up again. Oh, and that cat thing, wtf! Terrifying! Get it away!
Hatsukoi (kazuki Rai)
Aw, very sweet so far. His cute little face when he's so proud of that C because he knows he worked his hardest. I just want to squeeze him to death. Honestly, I'm pretty over the "girl I was in love with was actually a boy" thing, but I like the characters enough to see past that. They're both complex and original, which counters out the cliche a bit. I'm looking forward to the following chapters.
Mayoke no Darling
Awwww, too cute! I want more! I hope this gets picked up again so we can find out what happens. These two are adorable. I love a mean-looking character with a warm, squishy center. I just want to squeeze them both.
Tamen De Gushi
I really like this so far! Lovely art, likable characters, sweet plot. I would have given it five stars, but I thought it was going to avoid that super typical "one person really likes the other, but the other pretends to be straight for half the story," and I'm disappointed that it's fallen into that typical equation. Regardless, I look forward to seeing it from here on out, and I'll be glad when they just get past the stupid already and start dating. I hope that isn't too long from now. ETA: Aww, I wanna see more of that guy who kissed Qin Xiong! But there are so many passing characters who don't seem to actually have anything to do with the story that I won't hold my breath. It's a shame, though, cause he was hot, and I already wanted to know more about him just from that brief interaction.
Rift (Conro)
I really like this so far, especially in the sense that they didn't immediately fall for one another and live happily ever after. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens, and I hope it continues to explore the fact that he always loved this boy like a brother, rather than erasing all of that to make them a couple as easily as possible. Poor babies, either way. Can't wait for more.
Kimi no Shiranai XX
Kinda gross so far, but it could go either way. If it addresses how fucked up this all is, cool, but since it probably won't, I can't give it more than two stars. I'll change it if I'm wrong, but it's so gross how easily forgiven rape is in so many "romance" stories. My guess is that it'll turn out the friend wanted him all along, so it was okay that he did that. Cause that's how it works? *eye roll*
I really enjoy seeing a BL manga that dissects different elements of love and relationships. It's so rare to see an unhealthy relationship portrayed as such, and it's almost unheard of for a character to end up with a guy who's healthier for him in the end. Very sweet, though it was a bit abrupt and confusing in places. Still, I really liked it. I'd enjoy reading more about the main two, but I was still satisfied with what there is.
Cute and kind of strange little manga. I like it so far. I wonder what's going to happen with that snoopy guy. There are elements of the story that are uncomfortable and odd, like the dudes sexually harassing the kid until they realize there really IS something gay going on, and then it's too far. I mean, pulling his pants down and insisting your friend give the dude a handjob "as a joke" is one thing, but actually dating a guy????!!!111 It's a pretty bizarre scene but... honestly, I've seen a semi-similar mentality in real life guys, so who knows.
Blue Lust