I wonder why the follow up with that sad love triangle isn't on here. It's translated. I haven't seen it on the site in general, which is weird. Anyway, read most of these separately, but a few were new to me. I fucking love Harada, ugh. Honestly, in the grand scheme of things, these weren't as bad as they could have been as far as soul crushing. Sad, still, especially the first one. No one wins, and it sucks. I wish she'd continue it beyond the second part. Why can't they share, damn it? More love triangles need to end like that.
Escape (kyuugou)
Read this again to be sure of how it all went, but yeah, pretty much as I remembered. This is a sad one. At least it doesn't go on long enough for them to live happily ever after, which I hope is not the natural conclusion to such a violent rape. But we all know how yaoiland works. For what was here, though, it's a sad, interesting story about obsession, denial, and unrequited love.
Amai Sokubaku
Pretty art most of the time, but sometimes the faces went a bit ug. The part where he runs to confess or whatever made me throw up in my mouth. Typical rape to love. At least this guy apologized for it, which is rare in yaoiland. But he still shouldn't have gotten his twoo wuv in the end. There were elements that would have been cute if the rape hadn't occurred, but that tainted everything. Meh.