Ikujinashi No Spectator
That was... a very odd story. Kind of cute, but definitely weird. I liked the second one more because there was no rape in it. I like elements of the first one, but nonconsent isn't erased by future consent, and it bugs me. But whatever, the author clearly has a thing for very odd love triangles. The manga treats some stuff too lightly, but what else is new when it comes to BL? It doesn't surprise me, but I still don't like it. Anyway, it was entertaining, and I did like some of the cute twists on certain tropes. Everyone was an asshole in the first story, so at least they were more likable in the second.
Yokosu Inu, Mekuru Yoru
Noooooo, update soon, please! I so rarely find manga that truly scratches that hurt/comfort itch. I crave this sort of thing. It's so dark and beautiful and messed up. It made me cry, but in just the right way. I'm not sure what to expect in the future, but I really hope that there's an update soon. I'm worried this has been abandoned completely, since it's been a while. There are so many things I love about this story. I wish there were more like it out there. At the same time, I wish that love triangles didn't have to end in someone "choosing." Why can't he be with both of them? They're all fucked up anyway. They're all so damaged, especially the ukes. You can't entirely blame them for doing stupid, selfish things, given the way they've been taught to survive. Anyway, I'm going to die if this isn't updated.
Hitori to Hitori no 3650nichi
The art is GORGEOUS. And it took her years to finish, so it only gets better as it goes. By the end of the main story, it blew me away. This is such a sad and beautiful story. I absolutely loved it. It's so rare for people to explore the psychological aspects of sexual assault and the way that people can internalize these things. The connection he made to his past mistake was a way for him to cope with what happened to him, but it only hurt him further. This is actually much more common in sexual abuse survivors than people probably realize. The love between them is so tender and so genuine. I love them so much and could read all about them forever. I can't wait for this mangaka to release more stuff. It really clicks with my crying fetish, too. I kinda feel like the mangaka has a crying fetish herself, because there's crying in almost every chapter, lol.