If it weren't so common to easily excuse rape in yaoi, I might have had more of an interest in examining the ambiguity of what happens with the uke in this story, but as is, the encounter between the main characters smacks of "it's okay that he raped you cause you were denying that you liked dicks," which is pretty gross. There were some interesting concepts that came up in little hints, but none of them were fully realized. 2.5 stars just for having some semi-intriguing concepts. The ending line, though. Wtf.
Aizou (TAMAQUIS Wren)
Not entirely sure what was happening there. I mean, it was messed up and intriguing, though as a one shot, it leaves a lot out. The way it ends, it isn't clear whether or not this was a roleplay between them the entire time or overcompensation on the part of the younger brother.
Hideout (zin)
Yuck. Gross art, gross dudes, gross actions. And he gets away with it. It's a fetish thing, so this is made for a very specific audience. I hope they find it, because I certainly was not the core demographic for this one.
Mob For Jack