I didn't like BJ Alex but somehow the art here is better or something. It's a vile plot with an awful top, but I'm intrigued regardless. Sometimes we need a little toxicity to indulge in. I both like it and hate it, because the bottom is so freaking powerless, and I hate that he's stuck the way that he is. But I do look forward to things getting more complex as the story progresses. EDIT: Okay, as horrible as the top is, I'm realizing what I truly hate is how pathetic the bottom is. He's so freaking stupid and annoying. You're not cute, you dumbass. It's so irritating when he's all touched and desperately thanking this dude for buying him more. I hate that dynamic, the bottom that just sees good in everyone and is constantly Susie Sunshine. It's so irritating, like this guy is brutalizing you, but you're doing some weird mental gymnastics to convince yourself he's also being kind to you. It's just gross. It would make more sense if the bottom were suspicious, cautious, and trying to find a way out of this. Instead, he's like, "Well, time to look on the bright side!" like some sort of moron.
Bound to Be Fools