Kowagaranai de, Soba ni Ite
Aww. Well that was very sweet. A twist on a trope that's slowly growing in popularity: an accident causes one person to entirely forget their significant other. In the other versions, at least in the yaoi ones, the other partner stands back and secretly hopes they get their memories back. This is the first one I've read where they want the memories to stay gone for the good of their loved one. Overall, this was an enjoyable read, and I'm glad the two loved each other so much. I do wonder in all of these stories, though, how the other person never stumbles upon a picture of them together, or a voicemail, or a note they wrote, or anything that would tip them off. But whatever, it's all about the cute boys in the end. ^^
Hatsukoi Wa Gunjou Ni Tokeru
A little too short for what it deserved, I think, so the pacing was a bit quick, but I enjoyed it. This is a sweet story about trauma and healing, and I appreciated that it was treated that way. So often yaoi glosses over things like assault as if it's nothing more than a bad day. The seme in this story was very gentle and patient. This is everything I want in this type of story. Why aren't there more rape scenarios in yaoi that end in hurt/comfort? Rape is such a horrible thing, yet it's so rarely portrayed as that in yaoi. Anyway, very sweet little story. I'm glad I stumbled upon it. Also, I loved his friends. I wish I could have seen way more of them. They're adorable. The fact that they jumped to protect the poor, mistreated uke without even really knowing him warmed my heart. It was such a nice juxtaposition between the coldness of the other group of peers.
Red Theatre
Wow, this is definitely twisted. What a messed up relationship. But I enjoyed the manga, and I really liked the parallels to the fairytale, The Red Shoes. It's a less literal approach to it, though it still maintains that concept of never being able to take the shoes off. In the fairytale, a huntsman has to cut off her feet to save her life, so I guess be happy that wasn't you, Yuriy. Lol Seriously, though, a lot of creepy sexism goes into shoe designs, if you dig into the history and concept. They look pretty on your legs, but they aren't good for you. I've had jobs where I was forced to wear heels, and it's not great. Anyway, Adam, you fucking sociopath. It started out seeming like Yuriy was the one in charge, arogant and confident sort, but that wasn't the case at all. The way Adam smiles all passive and calm, like nothing is happening, wtf. It's his own fault things go the way that they do, but I honestly feel like Adam wasn't punished enough for what he did. The ending came so quickly. I get that it was something major for what he likes to do, but I feel like Yuriy should have been killed. He treated him awfully and he doesn't deserve to have him in the end. That would have really crushed his spirit, and he deserves that. At any rate, the happily ever after doesn't seem fitting to the story, but it's sweet enough. The whole tale is pretty creepy and disturbing, though. Manipulative love to the most unhealthy degree. Also, did I miss something? What was the secret? That Yuriy whored himself out? I wasn't clear on that. I did like the history with the uncle and his rival, though. That was a nice little addition. I love when enemies turn out to have been involved, especially when there's still sexual tension there.
Tomarigi (Torch)