Zon BL
I knew what to expect, and I read it anyway. Now I'm ugly crying and trying not to sob. This is such a beautiful, tragic story. They just loved each other so much. The back and forth from when their lives were happy and their futures were ahead of them just made it all that much more painful. I just hope there's a heaven for things like this. In a fictional world, we can decide for ourselves that they're together again in death.
A Collection of Horror Comics
Lol. I mean, at least they're short and sweet. I do like mimic stuff, and a fourth person with the three. I like how melodramatic the straw was. That plastic is sturdy, I tell ya! I actually had that happen sort of, where the car jerked forward when I was younger, and the straw stabbed the roof of my mouth. It hurt and even bled, but miraculously did not jam its way through my brain and out of my skull.
Litchi Hikari Club
What the fuck... That was so freaking weird and random, but mostly it was just too quick and abrupt to leave any impact. All of the characters were evil, stupid, or both. What was with the chick, though? Was she supposed to be mentally challenged? That's the only thing I can assume based on the things she said and choices she made, but I can't tell if it was intentional or not. Anyway, a gross and lame story about megalomania and psychosis. I get what it was going for in a way, but it was just generally so bad and rushed with nothing but misery, and the only one left is a total moron. I'm glad all of the boys died, though, since they were all killers and/or rapists. Touching a passed out girl's boob is apparently all some people need to feel life is fulfilling.
Paranoia Star
Mémoires Du Masque
Unfinished. But I would like to see more stories with bullying where the bullies suffer.
Kaibutsu Koroshi
I don't know if I read this before, but I guessed everything from the start. It was weird, I kept feeling like maybe I had read it, but I think it was just because I'd read the author's other work. Either way, I was hoping for some interesting twists, but I just got what I expected.