Ore no Itoshi no Neet-kun
This review is just for the one shot at the end: Honestly, as sweet as they both are, I kinda want them to stay platonic friends. I like that Haniwa doesn't have an agenda, that he's just protective of his friend, not protective because he wants to bang him. It sucks that it ends there, but I guess I'll just say that Hina finds someone great who's actually gay or bi, and he and Haniwa remain best friends forever. You never see gay characters with a truly awesome, close, straight male friend. I want him to have a happy ending with a guy who loves him back, but someone who actually likes guys. And I hope Itou gets his shit together and stops being a homophobic dick. I didn't really read the manga itself, just this oneshot, since people were raving about it. I'm not as interested in the manga for a number of reasons, but I might read it eventually. I wish there were more stories involving being outed and people dealing with coming out and potential homophobia. So few seem to want to tackle that at all, let alone do it properly. Most of the time it's brushed off as a random insult, or the other characters come around really quickly. This was just a sweet story about a good friendship, and I'd love to see more like it.
Something Happening
Yep, waaaaay too short. It's a shame, because I like the art, and I like the set up. The one who kisses him is so cute, and I like that he did it in front of their friend. I want to see more of them, so I'm bummed the story was just a few pages.
Azure and Claude
I don't typically enjoy het romance, and I'm usually not up for pointless misery on top of it, so I almost didn't read this. I'm really glad I did, though! I'm curious to see how it ends. Either way, I found the way it unfolded thus far to be intriguing. The first sixteen chapters are interesting, for sure. I wasn't fond of the main guy for most of the story, and while I knew he'd eventually fall for the chick, I was annoyed by the thought of it. They changed my mind, though. I'm not sure what sort of conclusion I'm rooting for now. It seems pointless if they live, but cruel if they die. Either way, I look forward to updates.
Bokurani Matsuwaru Etc
A little rushed at times, but ultimately sweet. I feel like the second story would have benefited by being a full novel, where the friendship is explored and deepened. As is, it's like a snapshot of something he saw happen, the end. He hints at wanting change, but nothing changes. At any rate, not a bad read. I feel like I've read it before, but it must have been a while ago, since it was just vague recollections.
Happy Birthday
I need to read this again carefully from the beginning, but either way, it was a pleasant read. I may have skimmed a bit near the beginning, mostly due to anxiety, but I really liked this story of friendship! You just don't get to see that as much. However, a lot of good stuff was too brief or glossed over. I wish it had better-explored those themes. Oh well, still liked it.
Sayonara Focus
The first story was really sweet (love the supportive friend!) but it felt very unfinished. There were hints of things that never came up. Like I thought he'd find the photo he took of him sleeping and realize he'd been pining from the start. I also thought something was up with the guy he was assisting, but that went nowhere and was never mentioned again. Regardless, it was a sweet little one shot, so hey. The second story was sad but interesting. I liked the open ending, because I think on the one hand he's taking control and freeing himself, but on the other hand, he's letting go of more than just the bad. Anyway, only two stories here so far, but they were good. ^^
Gintama dj - Hanbunko
Through the first half, this was hands down the most fucked up of the Gintama DJs Harada has done, because he trusted his friends, and they were all happy together, only for them to turn on him and brutally rape him. That scene was so messed up and sad, but that was what I came here for, so I loved it. Once he just sort of gave in and stopped fighting, then went crazy, it lost some of the appeal. I liked the idea of them sharing him evenly, though. The three of them living together. I hope that happens, even though this is messed up. Harada is great with intentionally fucked up relationships. This just ended too abruptly to give it the satisfaction it could have had. They regret what they did, but can't let him go? Are they trying to let him go? I feel like it's just a mind break, and they're going to push him over the edge in the end.
Tasogare Outfocus
I really like this so far! Only one chapter, but it's an interesting concept and pretty art. That weird bowl cut on those twins is making me uncomfortable, though. This is pretty cute and funny. The whole exchange with them discussing the theme of the movie was adorable. Looking forward to the next chapter. ^^
Twitter ni Ageta o Matometeimasu
I clicked it because I was curious and sort of weirded out by the tags. I've never seen "ecchi" and "shounen ai" in the same genre labels before. It was... kind of what it said? Short, random, weird. A guy wants his best friend to do him, best friend just wants to look at him and jerk off. ...Kay.
Kodomo no Kamisama