Saigo no Sangatsu
Wait, what? I'm so confused. I've read this manga twice before, and the ending is suddenly different. I swear that before, he raped his friend and then the friend leaves without them ever seeing one another again. It was heartbreaking and dark, and I liked that it didn't brush away the awful thing he did, just left its heavy presence in the absence of the boy he loved. There's no forgiveness for that sort of thing. So why does the end have a new part with him saying that they made up and dated? That makes no sense. Am I crazy? This is going to drive me nuts. Three stars for the original ending, one star for the ending they have right now. I swear I'm not making this up, but wtf.
I'm always so sad for Bun. I hope eventually he gets a happy ending. Daisuke is so hot, but he's such an asshole. I'm torn between wanting them together despite that and wanting Daisuke to get dumped by Bun and his wife and both of them ending up with guys who treat them well. Or, even better, he stops with the lies and they just have an open, three-way monogamous relationship. I wish more stories like this ended that way.
Bittersweet as usual. It irks me how much Miyamoto Kano loves to establish OTPs and then have years and years pass between them seeing each other. She does that ALL the time, and it drives me nuts. But whatever. I think it's obvious how they all end up, even if it's years down the line. Kinda stupid how some of it goes down, but I do love the complex relationships she builds. And I love when exes can stay friends. Off to start Rules now.
Something Happening
Yep, waaaaay too short. It's a shame, because I like the art, and I like the set up. The one who kisses him is so cute, and I like that he did it in front of their friend. I want to see more of them, so I'm bummed the story was just a few pages.
Love Comedy
...Wtf. I mean, maybe it was partly the awkward translation, but... that was a pretty weird one. Glad he had that maraca there so the guy could rape him with it. If he hadn't had it, he never would have found his true love! Serendipity!
Soshite Mata Kiss wo Shite
Hmmm... Interesting so far. I need more chapters to get a better feel, so it's a four for now, but could go either way. Only one chapter at the moment. It's got a concept I'd like to see more often in yaoi, overcoming homophobia and what not. But how it unfolds is tricky. We'll see. EDIT: Five stars for going much better than I thought it might! I need to read it again from the start, after these few chapters, but it's such a sweet, touching story. Sad, too, but in the right ways. I also like that it wasn't some random dude who wouldn't take a hint. I was worried that was the case, so I'm glad it ended up being more complicated between them. I really wish there were more stories like this. I love the whole overcoming homophobia thing, the fear and the bravery and the growth. This was a great read, and I love the twist with Matsuri. I hope he gets some love soon! Maybe in an extra chapter or something. He deserves his own manga.
Ketsuekigata Ouji