Amaama-kun No Okashi Na Yuuwaku
I feel like this author wanted to write a story about a fat girl, but she didn't actually want to DRAW a fat girl. I mean, look at this chick. Her morbid obesity is shocking. x_x Seriously, she doesn't even look slightly pudgy compared to the other characters. It's like we're supposed to use our imaginations. But whatever. If you say everyone sees her as fat, fine. 2.5 stars for now, two chapters in, because I don't like the fact that I have to worry about her eventually getting "thin." I hate stories where he finally loves her for who she is, then she loses weight anyway. Sad that like only .0000000000000000001% of manga has a lead female who isn't conventionally attractive, and of those, like .0000000000000000001% have a strong storyline and a girl who stays the way she is and still deserves love and happiness.
Edo Karuta
Only read the first story. It was sweet enough, even though I hate that she randomly had to get skinny in the last two pages. But at least he loved her before and was even concerned about her weight loss. I wish he'd beat the crap out of all of the people who mocked her, though.
Heroes Of Fury
Realistic in the sense that women's worth is definitely measured by her appearance. I wish bad things happened to all of those pieces of crap. The demon king was hot. He should have married the princess. Maybe it's not too late!
Koi no Kiseki
I want to like this, and it's interesting and different, but why, why, WHY do they always have to "become pretty?" Can't it ever be that they find happiness and confidence without having to physically change? I hate this sort of thing so much. Whenever there's an "ugly" girl as the main character, generally people are just cruel constantly, then she gets super hot and everyone is nice, and no one ever gets their comeuppance for being crappy. It's just reinforcing the idea that women are only worth how attractive they can be to others. I say that assuming that's what happens. I will be shocked if she doesn't suddenly become beautiful because of the doctor. I'll change my rating if she doesn't, but since she probably will, I'll tentatively keep reading.
Big Jo