Edo Karuta
Only read the first story. It was sweet enough, even though I hate that she randomly had to get skinny in the last two pages. But at least he loved her before and was even concerned about her weight loss. I wish he'd beat the crap out of all of the people who mocked her, though.
Prideful Slender Girl Gets Chubby
It's kind of on the fetish side, makes me think of "feeders" and what not. But it is cute how much he wants her to enjoy his cooking. Essentially she was skinny because she'd never eaten good food, lol. My issue with it is that she now has an eating disorder. She only ever thinks about food? But, of course, if she were a skinny girl who gorged herself constantly, no one would bat an eye. I don't want to hear the "she's unhealthy" crap. But to encourage someone to eat until they're in pain is definitely weird. Feederism is a kind of control kink, and it can get dangerous.
Heroes Of Fury
Realistic in the sense that women's worth is definitely measured by her appearance. I wish bad things happened to all of those pieces of crap. The demon king was hot. He should have married the princess. Maybe it's not too late!
Big Jo