Magi - The End of Brave Story (Doujinshi)
It's a dj, and I haven't watched the show or read the manga or whatever it is, so that might be why I was left unsatisfied. It's an interesting concept, but it fell kind of flat for me. But don't take my word for it. Even with shows and manga I have read, I'm not a huge fan of doujinshi anyway.
Rin-chan o Goshigoshi Suru Hon - Free! dj
It bugs me how these stories are treated as cute, but it's fiction, so whatever. Pretty accurate with the predator stuff, the way a guy like that would swoop in on a kid. It's sad and disturbing, but sometimes I like sad and disturbing manga. It'd be better if the manga didn't seem to try to excuse it a little, though.
Aldnoah.Zero dj - Tadashii Chikyuujin no Shitsukekata
Shoshitsu dj - D no Satsujinsha
Very disturbing. I'm not typically a fan of magical pills that make a character super into getting raped (since that's not what happens with roofies or aphrodisiacs or anything of the sort), but the story was otherwise interesting. And quite sad. I'd read it briefly before and somehow missed that ending. Pretty fucked up.
Hydra Dj - Kiss
Miyamoto's work is so often sweet and sad, definitely a trademark of hers. This is no different. Poor little Sakai. I wish we could learn what happened to him, but I'm sure he found a hot boyfriend eventually and lived happily ever after.
Hydra Dj - Kiss After
Now I feel even worse for Sakai! I wish we could see his happy ending. Damn you, Miyamoto Kano! Your stories are always so heartbreaking! But I guess it could be worse. And I always end up coming back for more.
Free! dj - Siree!