I'm always so sad for Bun. I hope eventually he gets a happy ending. Daisuke is so hot, but he's such an asshole. I'm torn between wanting them together despite that and wanting Daisuke to get dumped by Bun and his wife and both of them ending up with guys who treat them well. Or, even better, he stops with the lies and they just have an open, three-way monogamous relationship. I wish more stories like this ended that way.
Anata wa Iyarashii Hito
Very unusual, detailed art, and it's definitely pretty. The story itself leaves something to be desired. It's okay so far, I suppose, but I was honestly kind of uncomfortable when the guy was watching in the bathroom. Just not my kink, I guess. To each their own! My problem is that I'm not a fan of "straight guys going gay," or "it's okay if it's you," so I'm already kind of wary. I'll stick around and see what happens, though.
Yomigaeru Kiro