Hakoiri Musuko
Kind of... strange. Very short oneshot based on getting back at a crappy father. The sick brother is weirdly naive, but I guess it's because he's in a plastic bubble? I feel like someone would have told him at some point not to pull his penis out in front of other people and shout, "It's here!" when he gets an erection.
Kanpai! Dj - Unapai
Agnus Dei - Lamb of God
Read this ages ago and don't recall liking it. It pops up on "disturbing" lists, so I see it over and over, but I'm not eager to read it again. Might try it eventually, just to be sure I'm remembering it correctly and my two star rating is accurate.
Saigo no Sangatsu
Wait, what? I'm so confused. I've read this manga twice before, and the ending is suddenly different. I swear that before, he raped his friend and then the friend leaves without them ever seeing one another again. It was heartbreaking and dark, and I liked that it didn't brush away the awful thing he did, just left its heavy presence in the absence of the boy he loved. There's no forgiveness for that sort of thing. So why does the end have a new part with him saying that they made up and dated? That makes no sense. Am I crazy? This is going to drive me nuts. Three stars for the original ending, one star for the ending they have right now. I swear I'm not making this up, but wtf.
Shoshitsu dj - D no Satsujinsha
Very disturbing. I'm not typically a fan of magical pills that make a character super into getting raped (since that's not what happens with roofies or aphrodisiacs or anything of the sort), but the story was otherwise interesting. And quite sad. I'd read it briefly before and somehow missed that ending. Pretty fucked up.
Wakatte Kudasai
Mizu no Ue no Tsuki
So sad and screwed up! I can't tell if the implication is that Shirase drowned out of shock after the rape, or Shirase killed himself afterward. Either way, I feel so bad for Shirase. I wanted to cry when he was crying. Everything was going horribly in his life, then his best friend raped him, then he drowned. That's a pretty crappy way to go out. Ugh, too depressing. Now I need to read something fluffy.
My God
Definitely strange so far, still feeling it out. I'm interested, though, so I hope it goes in a strong direction. The creepy cult is an unusual thing in yaoi manga, so I'm eager to see more of that.
Fuan No Tane