Love Com Two
I only read the last two thoroughly, chapter 3 and 3.5. I'm not a huge fan of typical shoujo romance, and after I skimmed the first few chapters, I figured it didn't have anything that would really change my feelings. I read the last two because of the unusual lead female characters. I wish it could have been more focused on women like that. The fat girl story was what brought me here, and though it ended happily enough, I don't know how I feel about how much he hated his girlfriend's appearance, like in the end he was just tolerating her. I did like that she was legitimately fat, though. Another manga I started reading is about a fat girl who is drawn exactly like all of the other girls in size, but somehow she's supposed to be overweight. Anyway, I can tell the other stuff isn't for me, but the last two stories weren't too bad. Chapter 3 had a good message, too, and I'm so glad she finally chased after her dream and broke out of her rigid sense of duty.
Amaama-kun No Okashi Na Yuuwaku
I feel like this author wanted to write a story about a fat girl, but she didn't actually want to DRAW a fat girl. I mean, look at this chick. Her morbid obesity is shocking. x_x Seriously, she doesn't even look slightly pudgy compared to the other characters. It's like we're supposed to use our imaginations. But whatever. If you say everyone sees her as fat, fine. 2.5 stars for now, two chapters in, because I don't like the fact that I have to worry about her eventually getting "thin." I hate stories where he finally loves her for who she is, then she loses weight anyway. Sad that like only .0000000000000000001% of manga has a lead female who isn't conventionally attractive, and of those, like .0000000000000000001% have a strong storyline and a girl who stays the way she is and still deserves love and happiness.
Edo Karuta
Only read the first story. It was sweet enough, even though I hate that she randomly had to get skinny in the last two pages. But at least he loved her before and was even concerned about her weight loss. I wish he'd beat the crap out of all of the people who mocked her, though.
Girl's World
I read the first few chapters and rated it three stars, but I'm switching to "want to read" so that I stop getting notices. I'm not sure if I want to continue this one or not. I dunno. For one, I'm not sure why any of these people want to be this chick's friend so badly. She's pretty rude and selfish all the time. I would have rather seen her journey to becoming more confident, and I'd like her more if she were still fat, just cause you so rarely see fat female characters in manga/manwha. I'm hoping something satisfying comes of this. So far, it just seems like lots of mean things happen, but nothing changes. I am glad that she wasn't flattered by the guys who only liked her after she lost weight. That would have made things so much more annoying. I'll stay tuned for now, but I'm hoping this starts to have a bit more substance.
Household Affairs
I read it cause of the chubby chick, cause I like when the hentai has fat (or at least pudgy) girls, and the husband was annoying as hell at first, but sorta interesting. It was a big old mess, though, and it had the worst conclusion. To be fair, I did skim a lot of it because it couldn't hold my interest--which is a shame, because this had a concept different from most hentai--but the woman I hated the absolute most from the very moment I saw her was the only one to not only live, but get exactly what she wanted. Ugh, I wish there was a follow up with her getting her head stomped in. Screw this story. x_x Based on the way everyone acted, they all should have died. But especially that one chick. >_<
Prideful Slender Girl Gets Chubby
It's kind of on the fetish side, makes me think of "feeders" and what not. But it is cute how much he wants her to enjoy his cooking. Essentially she was skinny because she'd never eaten good food, lol. My issue with it is that she now has an eating disorder. She only ever thinks about food? But, of course, if she were a skinny girl who gorged herself constantly, no one would bat an eye. I don't want to hear the "she's unhealthy" crap. But to encourage someone to eat until they're in pain is definitely weird. Feederism is a kind of control kink, and it can get dangerous.
Heroes Of Fury
Realistic in the sense that women's worth is definitely measured by her appearance. I wish bad things happened to all of those pieces of crap. The demon king was hot. He should have married the princess. Maybe it's not too late!
Koi no Kiseki
I want to like this, and it's interesting and different, but why, why, WHY do they always have to "become pretty?" Can't it ever be that they find happiness and confidence without having to physically change? I hate this sort of thing so much. Whenever there's an "ugly" girl as the main character, generally people are just cruel constantly, then she gets super hot and everyone is nice, and no one ever gets their comeuppance for being crappy. It's just reinforcing the idea that women are only worth how attractive they can be to others. I say that assuming that's what happens. I will be shocked if she doesn't suddenly become beautiful because of the doctor. I'll change my rating if she doesn't, but since she probably will, I'll tentatively keep reading.
Uchuu o Kakeru Yodaka