Hush (Today)
I didn't realize I was reading the sequel to this, but this one isn't even complete yet. Anyway, I've only read up to chapter 9 so far, but I know what happens because of the whole sequel thing. There are interesting things about the set up. There are some things I can enjoy a bit more knowing what happens later. Just a light, simple story, it seems.
Kakkou no Yume
The entire time I was reading the five chapters that are currently translated, I was waiting for a moment when I'd stop hating the main character. He's selfish, pushy, manipulative, self-pitying, rapey, and cruel, and it didn't seem like that was going to change. I really, really WANTED to like this manga because the art is gorgeous, but I didn't see how it could possibly wrap up in a satisfying way. However, I somehow thought it was only six chapters long total, but it's ten. I looked through the raws, and though I can't read the dialogue, I think some of the things I was desperately hoping would be the case are actually what's happening here. So I feel fairly confident giving it five stars, rather than the two stars I'd have to go with if certain things were never fully addressed.
Shounen No Kyoukai
Noooooooooooooooooooooo!!! I just noticed this hasn't been updated in a year. Please, someone get back to translating it. This is the first Omegaverse manga that I've truly enjoyed. It doesn't brush over horrible things like rape, and it sets up how hard and depressing this dystopian kind of world is. The love between the main two is so touching, and there's no expectation on the seme's part. The fated pair thing is a complication, but I hope that ultimately they're able to overcome it and stay together. This manga made me cry, and I just love how raw and sad it is, without being totally hopeless. I so rarely actually like the main pairing in omegaverse stuff, but this is perfect. So it really sucks that I'm stuck trying to decipher the partially uploaded, untranslated scans in the meantime. Not fair. ETA: Ugggghhhh, so sad! I'm totally crying. I want them to all be happy and stay with the ones they love! This is gonna kill me. It seems like they're all gonna break up. But I hope they can fight fate. Ugh, please update soon. I have to know what happens. Maybe we'll luck out and get another chunk of updates, chapter 9 and on. Edit: Noooooooo! How is chapter nine even more painful? I mean, obviously it will just get worse from here, but I don't think my heart can take this. I appreciate that someone is translating it at all, but the pause between chapters is killing me. I'm so scared that this isn't going to end the way that I'm hoping. I don't even know what to think. EDIT: Taiga, quit being a little bitch. EDIT: This manga hurts my heart in all the right ways. I've been sobbing this entire time. Totally thrilled that there's more, but man, that is definitely painful. Still, I have hope for them. Even if the memories never come back, hopefully he'll be able to start gaining new ones again eventually. EDIT: UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGHHHHHHHHH, MY HEART! DX I'm over here sobbing. This is so beautiful. I love this manga so fucking much. It hurts in all the right ways, and it ends on a beautiful and hopeful note. Absolute perfection. Thank you so much to the scanlator, man! I could have ended up never reading this amazing story.
Sayonara Koibito, Mata Kite Tomodachi
Wow, this is an exceptional omegaverse story. Not perfect, but for what it is, it really stands out. When I see the rape tag, I always assume it'll be the seme raping the uke before they all in love, which I can't stand. Not the case here. In fact, I loved a lot of the characters, including the one who assaulted the uke. I mean, it's the biology of that world, and the character didn't want to do it, even as he was in the act. It was really sad, but I like the way everything worked out. I'd love to see a story just about Hayato and Yuu-chan. I think it's great that he's making his own destiny with the boy he loves. So yeah, I'd say this is a good option for people who like drama that isn't easily brushed away. There are some awful things that are forgiven a bit easily, but not nearly as easily as typical yaoiland stuff.
Feeding lamb
ANIMAL TORTURE WARNING! Not as graphic as the human stuff, but graphic enough. That being said: SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPER messed up. I don't believe another yaoi title can top this one. I've read some messed up crap--horse rape, cannibalism, a guy getting cut in half while another dude fucks his loose intestines--but this really takes the cake. It's sad and disturbing, definitely a miserable story. It's fucked up from beginning to end, with no relief, and it's hardcore to boot. I was disappointed in a few elements, mostly along the lines of nothing truly coming to a head with the case, and the ending felt too much like a final jump scare for me, especially when it's just a flash of him still as miserable as ever. Definitely not for the faint of heart or weak of stomach. No happy endings here.
Awakening Puberty
I'd have to look at it again, but as I recall, I read this and it was disgusting. Rape to love is always nasty, but adding in just how horrible he was to him, too. It didn't even try to "yaoiland" it up and make it seem like secretly he wanted it.
Fujunna Renai
Sweet and sad, short little story about a guy who loves someone who doesn't love him back, and a potential love that's nearby. Not as heartwarming as I was hoping, based on the tags, but the ending is certainly sweet. More development, length, and time to see their emotional connection would have helped.
Kurayami Ni Strobe
I'm definitely a fan of this mangaka. Her art is so pretty, and her stories always have a nice little hint of hope between the main pair. And other characters, apparently, haha. This is a cute one, though I wish she'd explored the homophobia element more. Usually I prefer a world where being gay or bi is the norm, but when it's slice of life, coming of age stuff like this, I enjoy seeing the boys come into their own. The snippet with the poor bullied boy was interesting and sad, and I was looking forward to the guys facing and overcoming bigotry thrown their way. Oh well. It was a sweet manga regardless.
Ashita wa Docchi Da!
The more this drags out, the more I hate Ken. I really wish that Kirara would give him the cold shoulder for once. The tsundere thing gets old after a while. Anyway, it's still a cute manga. I hope the other two end up together. They'd be a cute couple. Hope it updates soon, and that the story starts to pick up a bit with the main two.
Urami-san wa Kyou mo Ayaui