Ouji No Hakoniwa
Stories like this really frustrate me, because there's so much potential, and it's all thrown away for some simple rape to love. I was really hoping the second story would just end after the first part, focusing on the messed up relationship they had that would mean they could never be together. It's better than what it was, and seeing the uke drop to his knees like that really grossed me out after what that jerk did to him. Being "in love" doesn't give you a free pass to hurt someone. The first story, I found the uke interesting but the seme boring. However, the art is so pretty, and I did enjoy elements of both stories, even if the way they wrapped up annoyed me, so I gave it four stars instead of the two it would probably get based on those endings alone. Also, I love the guy painting the house, totally like, "Ah, I see you're in chains. That's nice."
The Servant / Employer
Everyone in this story sucks. The end. I initially thought Yeonho was just really stupid, but it turns out he's nosy, hypocritical, and really stupid. Like, mind your own business, bitch. I don't know why I'm still reading this. Maybe because the twisted nature of a father and son fighting over the same powerless pretty boy is appealing to me in a masochistic sort of way. I wish I could get something like this more often only, you know, written well.
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