The Awaiting Flower
I... I hope that banana wasn't too ripe.
High School ☆ Lullaby
3.5 for being kind of weird and rushed, but interesting, haha. It's too short for what it is. It's definitely on the disturbing side, but it's kind of funny despite it being about something horrible. Just that twisted "person beneath the surface" thing. I'd like to see that explored more, but without it being a cheesy comedy. I feel like most things like this are played for easy laughs rather than the dark essence seen here. It's a shame that isn't more common.
Henai Fumouhen
Haha, aww, Harada's only healthy couple. XD Well, minus that one cute story with the boys who were into each other after high school or whatever. But I knew as soon as I realized who they were that it could only end one way. They're super kinky and adorable.
Amai Hari
2.5 stars based on just the first story, but I'm waiting to see if more comes out. I think I've read this one before. It's familiar, but then, a lot of these stories are similar. I'm not a fan of rape being excused in any way, but it's a pretty common theme. If the author goes on to show that she meant for the first story to be as fucked up as it is and hadn't intended redemption in the seme's explanation, that'd be great. I'm not holding my breath, though.
I wish there'd been more development in that first story, since it had potential, but the way it ended worked really well. Sick and wrong, haha. The other one was typical of darker yaoi, I'd say. Still, pretty messed up, even if the guy kinda had it coming.
Yasaotoko to Sadistic
This was very sweet. Not perfect, but I liked the concept of a bully going after the guy he bullied. I'd like to see more stuff like that. The uptight uke kind of took away some of the fun for me, since I'm not really into the rigid, has-to-be-provoked-over-and-over type. I think he was right to not forgive his bully and start dating him immediately, but he was pretty uptight in his life in general. At any rate, I would have liked to have seen more of them when they were younger, but it was an interesting story. The stalking stuff was a bit more intriguing, too. That's okay, though. I'm glad they got their happy ending.
Venus ni Seppun