Everybody wants to fuck this poor asexual kid. This story has me torn. I can make a better decision once it's finished, but right now it's hard to say. I don't like how pushy the seme can be, though they do discuss it in ways that other BL rarely does. This story is actually about trauma. Regardless of sexual experiences or desires, the character isn't sexually attracted to people, which makes him asexual. Asexual people can still love and desire sex. I know, because I'm asexual with a high sex drive. I enjoy it and seek it out, but I don't feel sexual attraction to people.
The assault part could have been way worse for yaoi. I don't know, I have a lot of mixed feelings. The art is so gorgeous, and I do like elements of this. It's unique and focuses on something very rare--the sexual abuse of a mother to a son. It seems like she's never actually touched him, but all of the stuff she does to him is definitely sexual abuse. It's so creepy. Poor baby. Just the first two volumes out now, but hopefully the third will come soon.
Usagi no Mori