Itou-san (KURAKA Sui)
I love this one. I need to write a full review for it, but it's great to find something dark without being completely heartbreaking. It's incredibly sad and depressing, but there's a satisfying nature to the conclusion.
Like as the Time Will Come When it Will Rain
I love this mangaka so much, and I love the stories, especially the rain one. I just wish the ending weren't so ambiguously sad.
Tasogare wa dare
I liked it up to the rushed ending. I felt like it could have done well with a bittersweet ending, but it was ultimately like "oh hey, I guess everything is fine now!"
Bright And Cheery Amnesia
I'm looking forward to seeing how it goes. I'm intrigued, though it's so short and rushed so far. I do like the fact that the girl wasn't like, "What? A girl? OMGZ NOOO!!!" like you see in so much of this crap. I'm hoping it maintains that much at least.
RESTART (Harada)
Read this one already in one of her other anthologies, but I read it again because I love it and it makes me cry. Even though it's a little bittersweet, this one is actually a happy ending in its own way. They love one another, and that's all that matters, even if they had to go through that stuff to be able to admit it. At least now they can be together.
Mou Ichido, Nando Demo
A little confusing at times (and was he in love with his actual sister? What?), but overall, it's a very sweet, touching story. Sad at times, for sure, but it has a happy ending, and that's what matters. I don't know if this piece was inspired by The Vow or by the story that inspired The Vow, which was a true story, but it's definitely a fascinating concept. There were things I would have changed, but I really did enjoy this manga. And I love the art. So pretty. I'm gonna go devour more of this artist's work and see if she'll be one of my faves.
Mic and Neo
I was torn between four stars and five until the ending. It was so sweet, so I had to go with five. Beautiful art as always, and the mangaka sure has her little kinks that seem to pop up a lot. She loves two moles on the uke, a seme with memory loss, and lack of communication of feelings causing issues, lol. But her work is great, and she never uses nasty tropes like rape to love, so her little quirks are fine by me. I actually guessed the twist right at the beginning (in a general sense) but I got so caught up in the story that I actually forgot and got surprised. XD That's the sign of a good manga. This isn't my absolute fave by her for a few reasons, but I did really enjoy it. She's quickly becoming one of my favorite mangaka.
Jikan Akima Jinbutsu