Hikizuru Oto
Harada is the master of subtly manipulative and evil characters. The ending was a bit more spelled out than most of her stuff, though. I feel like readers knew what the real situation was before the reveal, so it didn't need to be so overt. Still, creepy-crazy face is always off-putting in a fun way, haha.
Golly, mister! You didn't have to have a bunch of guys gang rape me to show you liked me! Next time, just ask me out! Tee hee!
Yonin no Nibiiro
Uggggghhhhh, I'm already in love! She has the ability to immediately get me invested. I'm so glad she's producing more and more work. I hope it never ends.
Akuma-chan wa Momoiro
Damn, that took a turn. XD I had guessed the general concept from the start, but it was still pretty jarring to see what that calm, neutral face could actually do. Holy fuck. XD I fully approve. I love things like this where the more you read, the more the story transforms. Very glad I read this.
Piercing Hole