The Savage World
This story warmed my heart and honestly makes me want to bawl my eyes out. It is incredible, I loved every single bit of it - from the progressing breath-taking art style to the astonishingly amusing twists and turns in the story. It developed so well, the characters all had such development as well, the fl, Kijin, finally freed herself and reached happiness, she is now married to the person she loves most in the world and the same goes for the ml, Kanghyun. I loved every single stepping stone in their relationship, the fact that he fell first and seemingly harder with how affectionate he always is. She always kept him on his toes tho lol, he wasn't even sure until the very end whether she accepted his proposal or not. Their enemies to lovers story is amazing, especially since it developed relatively quickly. At first they hated each other but she obviously couldn't express it, for he is her boss and direct commander I guess, he, however, made his distaste very apparent. But he came to like her soon, as she is a pretty interesting person and he learned there is nothing to he suspicious of when it comes to her. It was seriously such a good read, I read it in one evening/night, it is now 2.20 am and I still haven't done my night routine, so you can imagine just how good the story is, for me to not put it down for hours on end and sacrifice my sleep, as I have to wake up at 9 am tomorrow.... Welp, it was definitely worth it, words can't even describe how many different emotions this whole story made me feel, I can't possibly summarize it in a single review as well. You just need the actual story to understand how good it is, that's how well everything, including character development and plot twists, is portrayed - you just can't do it justice if whoever is curious about it doesn't read it themselves. I would gladly come back to read it again some time later, when I have forgotten most of it. It was seriously a breath of fresh air - it had many of the things I like in a good story, like manipulation, heart break, possessive nature of mls, corruption, drama, romance, comedy. Perfect balance between all of them. The author somehow managed to pull at all my heart strings at once, even when the story itself wasn't the clearest to me at the beginning because of the different details I couldn't grasp at the moment. It all became clear towards the middle/end tho. I loved it. Simply loved it. The ending was also superb, I love how emotionally attached the ml is, the fl too, even if she doesn't show it. He became so obsessed, it makes sense why I found this story in a reader's list with possessive and obsessive mls. He was everything I am searching for in a man, honestly, Kijin should leave some for us.... It was not a mistake and I do not regret staying up way too late in order to read this. Peace out, I need to do my routine now, future me, if you're reading this for some reason, come back and enjoy it once more. It's worth it.
Hoshoku-sha Kisumi-kun
It was a cute manga, ngl, I want someone like the possessive ml for myself
Cheese in the Trap : Newlywed Story
I still haven't given the original story a review, even though I read it years ago. And started it way more times than just once. It was so good but I'm gonna focus on this little CIT special. So. It was adorable, it made me go through the happy memories of reading the original all over again. I had major second lead syndrome, because of the drama but in the manhwa I couldn't say I hated Jung like I did in the drama. In fact, I liked him a lot in the manhwa, he was quite the dreamy sociopath. But seeing Inho being able to move on and lead a happy life as well.. It warmed my heart and calmed my soul, honestly, after experiencing the MAJOR 2nd lead syndrome back in 2018, when I first watched the drama. I still haven't forgotten it, probably never will. I was about to start re-reading the original CIT manhwa, for, like, the 999th time but I saw this special below and JUST HAD TO. It is adorable and has actually come out around the time I read the original, so that's cute. I need to go and give it a review but I may re-read it first, we will see. It's kind of.... a long read... Because I'm the type of person to spend at least 10 mins on one chapter, soaking in all the different details, expressions and gestures, as well as all the words they say in every single panel, so it may take even more than 20 mins sometimes, that's why it is a really long process for me... And yet, after finishing it, I re-read more than 100 chapters and stopped, so I may re-read the whole thing this time and give it my raw and.... Fresh opinion. The fact that I remember all of the major characters' names, it's kinda funny. Literally every major character is ingrained into my memory, that's how much of a core memory this manhwa was for me. Since I have read way too many mangas, manhwas and manhuas to count, it's just bizarre to remember the names. BTW, I would have also been really happy to see Bora and Eun Taek get married T_T But I'm happy at least Inho's relationship with his sister seems to have slightly improved as well.... I think, judging based on the one panel we got with him in it. I loved this and the originial too, they bring back only good memories and just make me feel like I'm back in the day, when it was kind of, just a bit simpler.
Reikan no mattakunai danjo ni tori tsuku danjo no rei no manga
LOL I loved it, even though it was very very short... I want moreee Literally, it was way too short but made me intrigued :>
Back to School
Okay, listen. I have read this SO many times, mostly just starting it and dropping it for the nth time but I did complete it wholy twice and lord... It was during my "don't write a review, just give it a rating" phase and yeah, I came back just to write a review. So. A question I had every single time I read this before finally ingraining it into my memory, was did Jungwoo or whatever his name was actually rape Chonwoo (I think that was his name). And yes... Yes, he did... So it was pretty understandable how they couldn't ever go back to the way they were, like, Jungwoo, are you stupid??? I couldn't believe his nerve, honestly. The ending made me feel both sad and content, it was a very nice ending, the nicest it could have been, actually, without dropping the realistic aspect. But boy, did I take a trip down guilt lane after seeing Jungwoo's grievous expression... At least he finally got the memo and left our poor boy alone... Honestly, I don't know how he is such a magnet for giant buff strong and possessive handsome men, but yeah, it seems to be working. I swear, so many of the characters in here are gay, like, damn. I am glad most people got a happy ending tho, our boy even got engaged!!! I'm glad he overcame his trauma and suffering, the mother understood in the end too and even begged Jungwoo to just leave and never come back again (ouch) I don't know what else to really say, it's surprising how much I remember but yeah, I can pretty much tell most of the story off the top of my head, it left a huge impact on me as a person and it was a very nice read. It kept me entertained and really just made me want to punch some specific characters and comfort others. Take a guess who I'm talking about, as if it isn't obvious. Something my BFF pointed out was how the necks and bodies were just so incredibly huge and thick, which, yeah, that was a bit weird. Their phisique was so unique, honestly, I didn't mind it until she pointed it out. I still liked it, it's just that I paid attention to that detail from them on. But I really like the art nonetheless. Overall, it's actually become a core memory of mine, I won't forget it very easily, which means a lot. Why a core memory? I just remember reading it during my happiest, most carefree days. Just like midnight poppyland, yes, I still remember the title but I never finished it. I think about it from time to time, it's been more than 2 years... Anyways, that was it, I'm glad I finally gave my opinion about this manhwa
Back to School: All Grown Up
I decided to give this a review finally right after writing the review of the original manhwa. It's definitely been a long time since I read it, but I remember it quite vividly. And I must say, I thought I would feel weird seeing Jungwoo's side story in a parallel universe, where it was all just a horrible nightmare he was having and he never hurt Chonwoo, he never raped him and instead they have been in a healthy sexual and romantic relationship for a long time. It made me feel a bit sad, I wanted everyone to be happy in the end, especially since he finally changed for the better... However, I'm well aware that still wouldn't possibly excuse or justify his past behavior, I just wished he would find his own happiness tho.. Spending years obsessing over a single person and then having to accept you would never be able to turn back time and have the relationship with them you once did, back in the day, because you, yourself, ruined it. Quite heart-breaking. But oh well, actions have consequences, I can't be too soft on him after all the shenanigans. I'm sure he will someday heal and find someone else. Until then at least the Jungwoo in the parallel universe is happy and healthy. Kyujin was the name of the other male lead, right? I think so, I just remembered it, I had completely forgotten it until writing this review. Their story was actually quite adorable, I'm glad Chonwoo found the right person for himself (and it was some damn luck, if Kyujin himself hadn't made some effort to get to now Chonwoo, Chonwoo would have been left lonely and hurt all this time. Their relationship is adorable, I have always liked it. I don't remember much except for how horny everyone is in this specific extra. It's NOT how it was in the original LMAO
It was honestly quite traumatising, very heavy read, I wouldn't reccommend unless you are fully aware of the shit you're getting into... I didn't feel like reading the extra chapter, I stopped at 68, where the story had technically ended but the side stories hadn't. So, my thoughts. Welp, it wasn't the best in my opinion, frankly said, it was at times extremely confusing and then it just clicks and makes sense, but at the same time still doesn't... It could have been the language barrier and how even translated a lot of the content just wasn't comprehensible, you would get lost in the endless dialogue between the two characters that are themselves trying to figure out their feelings... It was a mess, I skipped some parts just because of how confused I got, it was tiring reading through all of it, I just wanted to finally see what it was about. The art was pretty nice, although different from what I usually indulge in. Again, not bad but also not the best... I would give it 3.5 stars if I could, but I can't, so 3 it is.
Risou No Kareshitachi
It was alright, I honestly didn't really expect the ending, at least back then when I first read it. Now, I am trust issues personified so I would have figured it out.
Wakatte Kudasai