D.Y.I's manga / #WEBTOON(9)

BJ alex

Complete | Mingwa | 2000 released

At first I did not like this manhwa ONE BIT. In fact, the first time I was reading it, I dropped it, because I hate smut. I still hate it but oh well, I really wanted to see the story for myself. Truth is, the only reason I even decided to read it is because I saw a video on Youtube about it. I didn't watch the video but instead jsut read the manhwa, since I had always been curious about the actual story, cuz it is one of the most popular BLs out there. Which is.... I don't know why tbh... I mean, it was good but nothing out of the ordinary when it comes to the plot and storyline. It was just fine. Pretty interesting actually. I guess it became extremely famous because it was one of the earlier ones and had a ton of well-drawn smut in it. Overall, I hated Jiwon (Alex) at first. He was a total douchebag and a jerk. He didn't love the bottom ml (forgot his name) at all for half of the story and ml was head over heels for him, doing anything and everything in his power to satisfy Alex. Alex, on the other hand, was demanding, toxic, abusive at some points. He got jealous multiple times and took it out on Jiwoo (I think that was the ml's name). It was honestly hard to watch, because Jiwoo hated every second of it. But kept going back to Alex which infuriated me. But finally, after Jiwoo left Alex for good (which I was rooting for since the beginning lmao), Alex found out he actually loves him. I blamed Alex a lot throughout the story. But then his background and life up until that point came up on the screen and my sympathy took over. I actually understood why he was the way he was (aka toxic, distant, a jerk, not able to express love, scared of loving and thus toxic and cold), which made me care more about their relationship. What I absolutely loved was the way he changed for his love (after he was finally honest with himself and confessed, almost at the end of the story) He became the sweetest person walking the Earth, he was ready to do anything and everything (just like Jiwoo till the end) for Jiwoo. It was honestly the best and most adorable sight ever. I am rooting for their relationship, it's so wholesome and cute. About the smut... Well, there is absolutely no shadow of a doubt that it is drawn GORGEOUSLY because the creator really took care of every little detail and panel. It doesn't change the fact that I hate smut, I still do, but it was drawn and shown beautifully and truthfully nonetheless.

Never Understand

Complete | Bbong | 2013 released

To be honest, the ending felt a tiiiiny bit rushed to me but at the same time, I absolutely loved it. Cho Ayeon... This guy... Having really conflicted feelings towards him, he definitely liked Jaerim and tried to get Yuri out of the picture by making him look at him and Jaerim making out but... This guy, out of desperation for all sorts of reasons, almost raped Jaerim.... It was quite disgusting but at the same time damn, the drama I love how much Yuri and Jaerim cherish each other, the manhwa took a HUGE turn at some point. It was a lovey-dovey chase, because Jaerim did NOT like Yuri at first. And then... Damn, it became dark and so many things happened at once, Yuri had a serious mental trauma/illness, Jaerim loved him endlessly, Ayeon almost raped Jaerim, we got to know more about the bitch Soyeon.. That made all of this happen btw, so glad she stayed a villain till the end. Ayeon got his "redemption arc", don't know how I feel about him still, pretty cute tho (aaaand he's gorgeous, so sad the love triangle I was expecting turned into this messy plot... But it was interesting nonetheless)

Mad Dog

Complete | Haribo | 2019 released

HOT. FUCKING. DAMN. I have no words to express how the ending got to me.... I fucking loved it. I may go back to reread this, as it wasn't too long and was relatively easy to read/follow. I loved it. Definitely not perfect but the dom character's resolve to keep the sub for himself did some things to me... I loved the obsessive aspect of this whole thing Edit: Okay, I read it for the second time, in one go this time around, AND OH MY GOD, IT IS WAY BETTER THAN I REMEMBER Maybe I just paid more attention to the storyline this time? I feel like the first time I read this I couldn't grasp the concept of their love too well, it made me question why Hamin would fall for Sehyuk, but honestly, seeing all their genuine interactions (aka putting the sort of sexual assault aside, when Sehyuk would grope and feel Hamin up), I understood fully why Hamin would eventually catch feelings. I would too, in his place. Good thing I'm not in these dangerous circumstances though And since I could read everything in two days, I didn't forget any important details and understood just how deep Sehyuk's obsession with Hamin ran. Frankly said, the guy is obviously a psychopath but he's so gentle with him when he needs to be, I think Hamin is in good hands, even though Kwon Sehyuk is so incredibly possessive and obsessed that he followed into Hamin's family business all these years and went out of his way to cause trouble so that Hamin would be kidnapped and then rescued by him. He propositioned everything so that Hamin would look up to him and need his protection, pretty psychological stuff, he was always 3 steps ahead at least. So props to him, the faces he made whenever Hamin was bold with him, goddamn, that last scene too, where he goes "I finally caught him", OH MY GOD, the hairs on my neck stood up bro, that was creepy but so up my alley in terms of obsessive love. And it's not like his feelings were only from the past, the present Hamin made him fall for him all over again, which made for a cute story despite the profanity and violence thrown left and right I also noticed how the art style changed after the end of the first season After the author took a break, they definitely changed some things up, because the art got a lot more beautiful and detailed, I loved it. And a way you can for sure tell is the first chapter of season 2, that portrayed the last scene from season 1. Seeing the same scene all over again but drawn differently just showed the progress the creators had made. I loved every bit of this story, honestly. It keeps you interested at all times, there were no filler moments and it wasn't too fast-paced as well, so I guess the golden middle ground was hit indeed If I leave this story for a year, I may come back and read it a third time, that's how interesting it is. And the jokes really had me laughing, which is rare with these types of manhwas 10/10, would do it again

Cheese in the Trap : Newlywed Story

Ongoing | soonkki | 2019 released

I still haven't given the original story a review, even though I read it years ago. And started it way more times than just once. It was so good but I'm gonna focus on this little CIT special. So. It was adorable, it made me go through the happy memories of reading the original all over again. I had major second lead syndrome, because of the drama but in the manhwa I couldn't say I hated Jung like I did in the drama. In fact, I liked him a lot in the manhwa, he was quite the dreamy sociopath. But seeing Inho being able to move on and lead a happy life as well.. It warmed my heart and calmed my soul, honestly, after experiencing the MAJOR 2nd lead syndrome back in 2018, when I first watched the drama. I still haven't forgotten it, probably never will. I was about to start re-reading the original CIT manhwa, for, like, the 999th time but I saw this special below and JUST HAD TO. It is adorable and has actually come out around the time I read the original, so that's cute. I need to go and give it a review but I may re-read it first, we will see. It's kind of.... a long read... Because I'm the type of person to spend at least 10 mins on one chapter, soaking in all the different details, expressions and gestures, as well as all the words they say in every single panel, so it may take even more than 20 mins sometimes, that's why it is a really long process for me... And yet, after finishing it, I re-read more than 100 chapters and stopped, so I may re-read the whole thing this time and give it my raw and.... Fresh opinion. The fact that I remember all of the major characters' names, it's kinda funny. Literally every major character is ingrained into my memory, that's how much of a core memory this manhwa was for me. Since I have read way too many mangas, manhwas and manhuas to count, it's just bizarre to remember the names. BTW, I would have also been really happy to see Bora and Eun Taek get married T_T But I'm happy at least Inho's relationship with his sister seems to have slightly improved as well.... I think, judging based on the one panel we got with him in it. I loved this and the originial too, they bring back only good memories and just make me feel like I'm back in the day, when it was kind of, just a bit simpler.

You At First Sight

Complete | Icchae | 2000 released

This manhwa made me feel all sorts of feelings. I smile, I laughed, I cried, I was even a bit scared at some points, because of how unpredictable some situations were... But overall, I absolutely loved this story, it was warm and absolutely delightful, light and just... Pleasant to read, I didn't want to put it down, because of how captivating it was :") It made me feel hopeful, that someday, I would find the right person for myself and that he would be able to love me through our hardships together, not fighting alone. I jumped in excitement at some points, then my heart plummeted to my stomach at chapter 39... I felt betrayed, but it seems that I wasn't... Lim Segye was just another victim to a misunderstanding, that actually deserves love and acceptance. These two characters were portrayed so well, it made me feel like I was reading about actual people. I wouldn't question it if someone told me that they were written by two separate people that actually went through these struggles, that's how realistic it was. The whole romance was realistic and for that, it was fresh and something extraordinary. I loved it. I really did... I am left, feeling content, happy and my heart just a tad bit heavy that it ended. If that doesn't tell you how good of a story it was, then I don't know what could.

See You In My 19th Life

Ongoing | Lee hye | 2020 released

It was amazing... I read it in 3 days, I started late at night and finished it in the afternoon. It was worth it to binge read this, I absolutely loved it.... I am honestly left speechless, I can't even talk about it right now, because of the complicated emotions it's made me feel. It made me happy, sad, anxious, depressed, delighted, light-hearted and so much more. It kind of lessened the feeling of existential dread I have had the past few weeks. You know, like you don't know what you're doing with your life, even though you're obviously over-thinking it. I just thoroughly enjoyed it, it was so funny and witty, it made me long for a special connection with that one soulmate we have all been waiting for. Naturally, soul mates don't have to be romantic, I think I may have met them in the forms of my best friends, but anyway, I still long for this connection they have. I believe I will find it one day, someone who embodies all the characteristics I adore. I honestly started reading this just because I had seen it a couple of times before and decided to finally give it a try, I also really wanted to finish something long and expand my knowledge of good reads lol I thought I would feel really empty, just like how I feel most of the time after reading something nice and finishing it. But surprisingly, it left me content, although also a bit sad it's over now. I watched their relationship grow and looked over their character development, it felt like watching your kids grow up, I feel satisfied. The relationships between the four main characters was adorable, it really warmed my heart. I could go on a two hour rant about how cute Doyoon Ha and Chowon Yun's relationship is, but I digress (I still don't know if I'm using this term correctly, anyways, I may check later, if I don't forget) I don't really know why I'm writing all these reviews when I never actually post them and just keep them for myself, but it kind of feels nice, it gives me a sense of completion after reading something, as I have a way to get all of my complicated emotions out. I can also look back and remind myself how much a simple read made me feel and go through. So that's nice, it's a diary. God, I hope they don't close this site down, cuz then I'm screwed, my reviews would go to waste :") Happy thoughts, happy thoughts But yeah, overall, a very good read, I enjoyed it, can't wait to start something else and continue on my project of getting educated on stories~ (it really develops my psyche, honestly)

Back to School

Complete | Oryu | 2019 released

Okay, listen. I have read this SO many times, mostly just starting it and dropping it for the nth time but I did complete it wholy twice and lord... It was during my "don't write a review, just give it a rating" phase and yeah, I came back just to write a review. So. A question I had every single time I read this before finally ingraining it into my memory, was did Jungwoo or whatever his name was actually rape Chonwoo (I think that was his name). And yes... Yes, he did... So it was pretty understandable how they couldn't ever go back to the way they were, like, Jungwoo, are you stupid??? I couldn't believe his nerve, honestly. The ending made me feel both sad and content, it was a very nice ending, the nicest it could have been, actually, without dropping the realistic aspect. But boy, did I take a trip down guilt lane after seeing Jungwoo's grievous expression... At least he finally got the memo and left our poor boy alone... Honestly, I don't know how he is such a magnet for giant buff strong and possessive handsome men, but yeah, it seems to be working. I swear, so many of the characters in here are gay, like, damn. I am glad most people got a happy ending tho, our boy even got engaged!!! I'm glad he overcame his trauma and suffering, the mother understood in the end too and even begged Jungwoo to just leave and never come back again (ouch) I don't know what else to really say, it's surprising how much I remember but yeah, I can pretty much tell most of the story off the top of my head, it left a huge impact on me as a person and it was a very nice read. It kept me entertained and really just made me want to punch some specific characters and comfort others. Take a guess who I'm talking about, as if it isn't obvious. Something my BFF pointed out was how the necks and bodies were just so incredibly huge and thick, which, yeah, that was a bit weird. Their phisique was so unique, honestly, I didn't mind it until she pointed it out. I still liked it, it's just that I paid attention to that detail from them on. But I really like the art nonetheless. Overall, it's actually become a core memory of mine, I won't forget it very easily, which means a lot. Why a core memory? I just remember reading it during my happiest, most carefree days. Just like midnight poppyland, yes, I still remember the title but I never finished it. I think about it from time to time, it's been more than 2 years... Anyways, that was it, I'm glad I finally gave my opinion about this manhwa

Back to School: All Grown Up

Complete | Oryu | 2000 released

I decided to give this a review finally right after writing the review of the original manhwa. It's definitely been a long time since I read it, but I remember it quite vividly. And I must say, I thought I would feel weird seeing Jungwoo's side story in a parallel universe, where it was all just a horrible nightmare he was having and he never hurt Chonwoo, he never raped him and instead they have been in a healthy sexual and romantic relationship for a long time. It made me feel a bit sad, I wanted everyone to be happy in the end, especially since he finally changed for the better... However, I'm well aware that still wouldn't possibly excuse or justify his past behavior, I just wished he would find his own happiness tho.. Spending years obsessing over a single person and then having to accept you would never be able to turn back time and have the relationship with them you once did, back in the day, because you, yourself, ruined it. Quite heart-breaking. But oh well, actions have consequences, I can't be too soft on him after all the shenanigans. I'm sure he will someday heal and find someone else. Until then at least the Jungwoo in the parallel universe is happy and healthy. Kyujin was the name of the other male lead, right? I think so, I just remembered it, I had completely forgotten it until writing this review. Their story was actually quite adorable, I'm glad Chonwoo found the right person for himself (and it was some damn luck, if Kyujin himself hadn't made some effort to get to now Chonwoo, Chonwoo would have been left lonely and hurt all this time. Their relationship is adorable, I have always liked it. I don't remember much except for how horny everyone is in this specific extra. It's NOT how it was in the original LMAO

A Love Contract with the Devil

Ongoing | Jangjin,Woombi | 2000 released

This was such an amazing modern day romance manhwa.... I loved it. I finished it in less than 24 hours, and my God (literally), was it beautiful. I don't even know how to describe the feeling of comfort I received when I first started it. Hanna is an ordinary person who doesn't have any desires, whatsoever. At least, that's what we're made to believe at first, later we get to know it's not like she doesn't have desires, she just didn't have any attachments in the human world. Would anyone think of her if she suddenly disappears, will they cry and tell her not to go, these kinds of thoughts plagued her mind 24/7. She was lonely but never really realised it before meeting her devil, Soha. Devil #4, the one and only love contract devil. Their relationship starts off rocky, just like any other honestly. I frankly expected them to have been connected in their previous lives, it just made sense. Which made me think, who EXACTLY was her companionship with? Supposedly Joon, the blonde haired hunk, but was it really? My theory is that Soha and Hanna couldn't be together in their previous lives (tho honestly it was her previous life and his last time as an angel, before being sent to hell for breaking the rules and therefore made a devil), so just like the rule goes, their love prevails in their next life. So even though the same situation happened with Joon and Hanna, the past life thing, I think that because of Hanna's tremendous efforts and her sacrifice at the end, God decided to grant them their love, not without a cost, of course. The price for their love was limited time. Hannah has always been human and Soha is one now and he falls and doesn't wake up from a deep slumber until 10 years pass in the human world. Hanna has aged, she is about 36-37 now and Soha is younger than her, about 20 something. After 10 long years, they're finally together and start settling for their finally happily ever after. They sign a marriage certificate and slowly start forgetting of the demon realm with everything finally being over and dealt with. Of course, it's not by their own choice And wishes, if it had been for Hanna, she would not have wanted to forget Mika, her guardian angel, who had helped her every step of the way. But it wasn't up to anyone except for God, apparently. Mika and Jihoon (Devil #313) start a café together, called Angel Café and serve angel and devil drinks, quite cute and ironic. Peace (Yu Rim) and Sejoon Lee finally have their happy ending, with Sejoon reborn as a human in the human world and peace obviously staying a fallen angel, literally. Sejoon regains his memories and goes to find Peace, they also get married. Joon is also finally able to let go of the memories from his past life and his attachment to Hanna, because Hanna does not return his feelings, ever. He throws the old photos away and is able to live for himself, probably gonna start dating as well. God has no human form anymore, for his body was killed by Mika (quite ironic), who is not an angel anymore, just has the appearance of one (still a major win imo). I felt really sad when Soha and Hanna started losing their old memories, getting new ones, where nothing out of the ordinary happens but for them to continue living on normally, they had to forget it all and replace it with some normal human couple stuff. Soha worked for a company and with documents, Hanna never signed a contract with the devil and there is no such thing as devils and angels. Soha did not live for thousands of year under the name of #4 and Hanna didn't die and ressurect, I guess...... Though Peace and Sejoon do have all memories back, as do Mika and Jihoon, so I guess I'm not too mad. Also, the devil system changed because of Dami, the assistant of #2, and now assistants can make contracts and get an education. The angels have more diversity and no longer have to have no emotions and instead can have likes and dislikes set in stone, as well as experience feelings and have personalities. Daniel, the guardian angel of Sejoon's mother, who has pink hair and baby pink eyes, looks after Sejoon and his mom. At first he didn't like Peace, then came to know that Sejoon was destined to be with Peace, which was a message directly from God after his birth in the human world. I guess he wished them a happy life this time, even after everything that had happened. Who knows, maybe he felt bad, he has emotions too after all, at least in his human body, which actually no longer exists, so I don't know. There were a lot of other minor characters and events, also many more things to say, after all the manhwa is 120 chapters but overall, I loved it. A good experience worth the slow burn in the end. A REALLY slow burn. I'm usually not a fan of those but I suppose it was worth it this once.