D.Y.I's manga / #Psychological(6)

Bastard (hwang Youngchan)

Complete | Carnby Kim,Youngchan Hwang | 2015 released
2020-05-06 23:46 marked

Kanojo No Kare (maeda Tomo)

Complete | maeda tomo | 2000 released

I... am so confused. The art style was nice but the characters were way too lanky, tall and stretched out but the drawings were still beautiful nonetheless. I could not understand what the hell happened tho... Like, okay, so he's gonna "kill" her through their marriage? ok.


Complete | Team Killerwhale | 2016 released

It was honestly quite traumatising, very heavy read, I wouldn't reccommend unless you are fully aware of the shit you're getting into... I didn't feel like reading the extra chapter, I stopped at 68, where the story had technically ended but the side stories hadn't. So, my thoughts. Welp, it wasn't the best in my opinion, frankly said, it was at times extremely confusing and then it just clicks and makes sense, but at the same time still doesn't... It could have been the language barrier and how even translated a lot of the content just wasn't comprehensible, you would get lost in the endless dialogue between the two characters that are themselves trying to figure out their feelings... It was a mess, I skipped some parts just because of how confused I got, it was tiring reading through all of it, I just wanted to finally see what it was about. The art was pretty nice, although different from what I usually indulge in. Again, not bad but also not the best... I would give it 3.5 stars if I could, but I can't, so 3 it is.

Save Me

Complete | 1230 | 2016 released

This was a read full of dramatic plot twists and a lot of time skips, I did not expect this kind of story... But I loved it, for sure. It felt very new to me, honestly, a peculiar and unique experience. I did have my doubts, that they DO look a lot like each other, but I brushed it off, because that's what sometimes happens unintentionally if you have a particular drawing style you want to stick to. But when even Sungman's mom mentioned it, I knew it was on purpose. I had so many theories, many of them were mainly because of how Sun's eyes changed every single time to red, when he went berserk, I honestly started questioning so many things because of it... That's why I was a bit mad at the creator, frankly said, for deceiving me like that... I know it was for a dramatic effect but it made me question so many things, I even thought at some point what if he's not human and instead a cyborg that was made by his parents in order for Sungman to have someone protecting him and sometimes he malfunctions and goes apeshit. You know, those kinds of theories. But anyways, I can't say I was surprised by everything, but a big chunk of the ending was a huge plot twist. It was a sad story, for sure, very fucked up. I wanted to take my anger and frustrations out on these characters so much... I'm not even gonna name them, they don't deserve that. But the way Sun took care of all of them was pretty funny, I liked it. Oh, and how Geumsoo ended up in a wheelchair at the end? I hoped for that and did kind of predict it, so I was happy about it, but felt bad at the same time. I know he's a horrible person that on the surface doesn't deserve sympathy for the things he's done. That's for sure. But I just couldn't help but feel bad when I imagined him going through everything Sungman went through. And possibly much more, because of his inferiority complex and terrible parents with their lot of complexes. I'm still human at the end of the day, I felt bad. But I guess he reaped what he sowed, as grim as it is. By the way, how did every single adult know that Sungman is adopted but not Sungman himself? I guess he just never asked questions and they didn't speak in front of him, but damn, that's some odd chances right there. The way that Sun would only see Sungman no matter what, it made me happy for the connection they have. But it again made me question his behavior, I suppose it's the wannabe psychologist in me. My take on it is that he had never lived a nice and satisfying life before, because no matter what, his father was a chaotic mess all the time and his mother died on the day they took family photos. So pretty much, a terrible life, filled with nothing but growing up by yourself, being called a curse upon the family from your own family. Though he didn't seem to take it to heart, he was very much not registering it, at all. So he must have had some mental problems ever since he was born. Or perhaps the car crash caused some disturbances in his brain? He was just a baby when it happened after all. So, his mundane pattern was broken when one day his father died and in his hands, there laid a paper. He was curious, he picked it up. He read his adoption certificate top to bottom and found out what he had been missing for 18 whole years. And he went where his brother was studying, finding him and the rest is history. So it definitely makes sense why Sungman is the only thing in his eyes and brain. I also feel like there is a significant meaning to the fact that he would always draw stick figures and only imagine stick figure scenes, instead of actual thoughts. He had this very childish way of comprehending what was going on around him, and as the creator said, he didn't have a sense of guilt, at all. But there would be moments, where he would snap and go berserk, fully trying to kill someone. So, he's a tough case, alright. My opinion is that since he grew up having to take care of himself, he kept himself sane, safe and happy by adapting to this innocent, childish thought process, taking life easy and humming through the hardships. I imagine it would be like how people become littles, in order to protect themselves, their brains adapt to a happy go lucky child like way of thinking. This way they're safe in their own reality. Though, of course, his case is way different. Because there would be certain moments where he would give in to his murderous thoughts. He still drew the stick figures but he made them bloody with a red pen and severed their limbs. Pretty brutal. He knows what he's doing, he's not clueless, he has a plan and he commits to it. The difference is that his perception of what is happening around him and what he is doing is not normal. He doesn't view it as something bad, instead it's just an action that was taken by him. No sense of guilt, even when he himself took responsibility and turned himself in. Though, I have a feeling that it may have been solely in order to get his revenge on Geumsoo too. Though he could've done it in a much more peaceful and discreet way, so I'm not sure. But the gist of it, he knows what he's doing but it kind of gets filtered in order for him to continue living safely and happily in his little bubble. A defense mechanism of sorts. And Sungman is Sun's savior too, because with him, he can act however he likes and doesn't get judged. He knows he's in safe hands and he's happy, as well as pretty content that he's found his meaning in life, his long lost puzzle piece. As for Sungman, he's obviously normal, he understands what Sungman is going through and wants to help him as well as stay by his side, so he took upon learning about the human psychology, in order to help his little twin brother and people with conditions like his. They are indeed a very interesting duo. The oldest is physically disabled, the youngest mentally. But they're always there for each other, after 18 painstakingly long years apart. Side note, when Sun's adoptive mother first picked up Sungman but put him down, when she found out he has a disability, and then picked his twin brother up, because they look the same, it was honestly very disgusting to me. They separated them and gave absolutely no regards to what is going to happen to his disabled brother, who very much needs a lot of care and attention for him to grow up happy and healthy. So when she died but her husband and Sun survived, I honestly felt like it was the universe just telling her that it was a messed up thing to do. I know it probably doesn't actually have a connection, but that's what I like to think. Though seriously, don't separate twins. If you want to adopt one of them, adopt both, don't separate siblings either. It can have a terrible psychological effect on them later on in life. Welp, I have said my two cents. I picked this manhwa up only because someone said it was similar in some aspects to Weak Hero, I just really wanted to take my mind off this series, because of how sad I got after I finished it. Honestly, I have grown so attached, I remember the names and back stories of every single significant character, the only ones that were actually showed. And I still vividly remember most events from these 262 chapters. So yeah, it's rough for me right now, I am depressed because of it, but this manhwa was able to take my mind off of it for a bit and it was pretty good. I did not expect something so psychological, I thought it would be physical, just like in Weak Hero. But I liked it nonetheless.

Sweet Home

Complete | Kim Carnby,Hwang Youngchan | 2000 released

It's the second time I'm reading this manhwa. And it made me cry and bawl my eyes out for a second time. It's amazing. The art style, the characters and their development, it's honestly so good. An incredible read, for sure. I read this almost exactly 2 yeses ago. It took me a bit longer than it did now. I think a couple of days? Because I had other things to do. But now, in the span of a bit more than 24 hours, it's finished even though I was out for some parts of the day. I have actually been meaning to read it again for a very long time now, but I couldn't make myself go through 140 chapters when I already know everything about the story. But I don't regret it, because it turns out, I didn't remember absolutely everything, especially the feeling of chills running down my spine or goosebumps appearing on my skin, the feeling of overwhelming sadness and horrifying terror during those many and splendidly done traumatic deaths. So, it was absolutely worth it. My sort of thinking with this was that I shouldn't waste my time on something I've finished, I should start something new. But I had been missing it a lot for some time now, so I gave in and it was a good decision. The story itself actually happens after some events that take place in the manhwa written after this one, Shotgun boy. I am planning on finishing that one too. I immediately picked up shotgun boy 2 years ago after finishing Sweet home, because I was feeling depressed after completing this masterpiece and seemingly having northing to read. But I reached about 50 episodes??? Somewhere there, it wasn't finished yet, so I had to sit my ass down and wait patiently. 2 years later, I am back. I started from the beginning, I shall read Shotgun boy till the end as well. Hyun is incredibly impressive, I have always loved those certain characters that can power through extremely tough situations and seeing how he was naturally recognized by the others made my chest swell with pride, what can I say? Something funny is, I felt the exact same emotions throughout the different parts of the story as I did back then. Meaning, in the beginning I disliked Hyun, it almost made me drop the whole manhwa after reading just a couple of chapters. But I decided to stay. Fast forward two years later, I remember why he distanced himself from his family but I don't remember how intense it was for both sides. I disliked the fact that he cursed his mother and said some horrible things. I felt horrible just reading it. I remembered why he did those things, but I didn't remember it in detail. When we later on find out the reason, I could understand. The same thing happened when I first read this. I also thought the deaths and sad scenes wouldn't get to me, because I have already seen them and honestly remembered some of the important people who would die. But I was still shook by them and still cried. So I guess I remembered the events but not how they make a person feel. So it caught me off guard but made me happy, that I could enjoy this manhwa as much as I did back then, even though I knew some of the jumpscares and some other things, like how Hyun is gonna return. But it still hurt a lot just seeing the scene play out, even though I knew the outcome. Good job to the author, I finally gave this a review too, I have been meaning to since ages ago, that's one of the reasons I decided to reread it, to have it fresh in my memory.

Waterside Night

Complete | Euja,으자 | 2019 released

One of the best things I have ever read, hands down, WHICH SAYS A LOT I DID NOT expect this manhwa to be so good!!!! On the surface, it looked like your average, generic BL with a handful of trauma and sexual assault, repetitive scenes and senseless characters that honestly don't go anywhere with their mentality and everything else BUT I WAS WRONG And I am so happy I was wrong. There is still a long way to go before we reach the end and that's obvious but for what has come out so far, 76 chapters, I genuinely felt so invested in the main leads' dynamic. I... did not picture Taeju breaking down in front of Euihyun... both of their character arcs are so beautifully written and well executed. The bad gangster mob bastard had a change of heart, pretty generic right? But the process he went through to secure a position in Euihyun's heart... well, that alone made him stand out in the crowd of redemption assholes every BL gets. The thing is, it is just so well thought out. It's simple but this story knows what it wants to be, it's not trying 1000 things at once, it's focusing on a couple of main aspects and that's why it's doing a marvelous job. Taeju, the blond fucker, gangster bastard, as Euihyun likes to call him, genuinely started off as a terrible person in the beginning of the manhwa. He raped Euihyun on their first meeting and his personality was so... twisted, shall we say. He starts off as this selfish prick that doesn't listen to anyone's bullshit and gives NO ONE the time of day. Euihyun is a toy to him (even if he starts getting possessive right off the bat) and he wants to break him, in order for Euihyun to depend on him. He is arrogant and prideful and in no way would he go around catering to someone else's whims. But then he falls in love. And just like many of the other BL assholes, he realizes his grave mistakes and feels horrible about it. But this time it wasn't just conveyed with words of affirmation and cuddling, no. This is not a story where Euihyun was pining for Taeju, it was the other way around, so nothing except for debt is tying them together and they both know it. But Taeju understands how much of a terrible person he had been (honestly, fucking finally) and breaks down in all senses of the word. He thinks Euihyun is about to kill himself by drowning in the ocean, just like his attempt when they first met and Taeju screamed out "Gotcha!" In reality, Euihyun went there for the peace and quiet the ocean provides and Taeju threw himself at him, melting at the realization of what could have happened. His tears start flowing and he kneels down, begging for Euihyun to hate him, to despise him, to loathe him, but to never hate himself because nothing of this was ever Euihyun's fault. . . . This scene... it broke me. When the man on top of the world grovels beneath you and is pleading for you to spare yourself and instead direct your blame towards him, well, it provokes a lot of feelings. Taeju starts hyperventilating and pouring his heart out, for the first time ever we see him sincerely remorseful, he is broken from the weight of his own actions, and I find it beautiful. He learned how tremendous the consequences of such heinous acts can be and the arrogant, crude prick begs not for forgiveness but to be hated. Just so Euihyun can spare himself in turn. Man, I cried way too much at these scenes, I really didn't expect this manhwa to be such a rollercoaster Honest to God, the art style is beautiful and so damn detailed, way too much at times, each painful scene made me so apologetic and just sad at Euihyun's situation, the despair was portrayed so realistically and so well, it makes for a great read to really delve into. In the end, Euihyun and Euiyoung are reunited, the 27-year old and his 7-year old baby brother, whom he had looked after before he even opened his eyes for the first time. Their bond is so strong and beautiful, it made my heart swell with warmth, I cried at their reunion as well It's been about 20 minutes since I started writing this review. Honestly, I have so much more to talk about, the story has many twists and turns and oh boy does it have a GOOD plot, but I'm exhausted, it's 12.30 am and I can't be bothered to describe every significant event. Just know this, my future self, Low tide in twilight was worth every second spent reading it. Oh, and also, Taeju changes for real (at least towards Euihyun) and spoils him a lot, letting him do pretty much whatever he wants, getting rid of the debt, finding their pathetic excuse of a father and providing home, food, warmth and closure. Also, it's not completely for sure yet but I am fairly certain Euihyun is pregnant ANYWAYS (Yes, it's an omegaverse, of course men get pregnant and give birth here, don't ask me how that works, no idea) And yes, the baby would be a product of the most violent sexual assault scene we have witnessed here which says A LOT, Euihyun was literally raped on his first day there AND YET this somehow outmatched it, 3 consecutive chapters had warnings for violent sexual assault and it just.... makes sense....... It was a pretty brutal scene, made me tear up, and obviously led to further conflict, how WOULDN'T it But it all got... resolved??? when Euihyun went to the ocean I... really don't know how to feel about Taeju as a person. As a character, he has.. depth... not too much, but he's okay He is actually really chill in many scenes, it honestly makes that start of a contrast when compared to how obsessive and violent he can and will get He is a huge pervert, that goes without saying And he finally realizes and accepts his love towards Euihyun and then starts rightfully babying him, poor guy deserves it after everything he's been through. So. Yeah. I don't know how to feel about him. He had always been soft on Euihyun, providing everything with the snap of a finger but then... he would turn around and be the emotionally and physically abusive asshole we know and (don't) love And oh GOD when Euihyun is finally a bit calmer and has fallen asleep, his expression darkens and a smile twitches its way up his lips, his eyes are cloudy and he is stating he could never possibly let Euihyun go, even after knowing how much pain he had caused him Aaaannnnd, this scene freaked me out. RIGHT AFTER I THOUGHT HE HAD BECOME BETTER His sinister smile gave his sanity away, or rather, lack thereof But nonetheless. He is gentle now and honestly would he absolutely thrilled if he gets to know he's about to become a father, hell, he called himself Euihyun's husband already. And about Euihyun... well, his character has got a lot more depth in my opinion, because of the emotional growth he experiences as well Granted, they don't really change that much, but their thinking sort of does, so I consider it a win in my book, getting the suicidal boy to learn it had never been his fault and he deserves to feel loved as well. His tears became my tears and his pains drowned me in a vast sea of sorrow he had already slowly been sinking and drowning into. Except now, he's got a helping hand, finally someone to talk sense into him and to make him understand he should put himself first at least once in his life. Also, isn't it cute how a jellyfish is the supposed reference for pregnancy???? Euihyun has this recurring dream where he is sinking in clear waters and above him appears a jellyfish which shines brightly floats over to him in swift motions He touches it, fascinated by its beauty And he gets enthralled But he wakes up, suffocating from its hold Another thing I would like to note, the charisma and comedy in this manhwa is top-tier for me, their dynamic just doesn't get old and the chibi drawings are adorable Edit: Guess who read the entirety of Lowtide in twilight now Honestly, I loved the ending. It portrays toxic love so well, I mean, sure, it's not healthy, BUT Taeju's love and affection changed Euihyun's bleak perspective of the world around him. Now, when he looks out in the sea, instead of jumping headfirst with suicidal intentions, he thinks it's just pretty. It's colorful, because Taeju made his life colorful. I love how they both reflected on their past actions and very messed up connection that led them to a happy ending nonetheless. Was it rushed? Maybe a tiny bit. Some people would stretch it out a bit more, across the span of, like, 6 chapters perhaps? Really focusing on the inner turmoil more than anything else. But I'm satisfied as is. I liked this, it's pretty realistic.