D.Y.I's manga / #Full Color BL(6)

Never Understand

Complete | Bbong | 2013 released

To be honest, the ending felt a tiiiiny bit rushed to me but at the same time, I absolutely loved it. Cho Ayeon... This guy... Having really conflicted feelings towards him, he definitely liked Jaerim and tried to get Yuri out of the picture by making him look at him and Jaerim making out but... This guy, out of desperation for all sorts of reasons, almost raped Jaerim.... It was quite disgusting but at the same time damn, the drama I love how much Yuri and Jaerim cherish each other, the manhwa took a HUGE turn at some point. It was a lovey-dovey chase, because Jaerim did NOT like Yuri at first. And then... Damn, it became dark and so many things happened at once, Yuri had a serious mental trauma/illness, Jaerim loved him endlessly, Ayeon almost raped Jaerim, we got to know more about the bitch Soyeon.. That made all of this happen btw, so glad she stayed a villain till the end. Ayeon got his "redemption arc", don't know how I feel about him still, pretty cute tho (aaaand he's gorgeous, so sad the love triangle I was expecting turned into this messy plot... But it was interesting nonetheless)

Mad Dog

Complete | Haribo | 2019 released

HOT. FUCKING. DAMN. I have no words to express how the ending got to me.... I fucking loved it. I may go back to reread this, as it wasn't too long and was relatively easy to read/follow. I loved it. Definitely not perfect but the dom character's resolve to keep the sub for himself did some things to me... I loved the obsessive aspect of this whole thing Edit: Okay, I read it for the second time, in one go this time around, AND OH MY GOD, IT IS WAY BETTER THAN I REMEMBER Maybe I just paid more attention to the storyline this time? I feel like the first time I read this I couldn't grasp the concept of their love too well, it made me question why Hamin would fall for Sehyuk, but honestly, seeing all their genuine interactions (aka putting the sort of sexual assault aside, when Sehyuk would grope and feel Hamin up), I understood fully why Hamin would eventually catch feelings. I would too, in his place. Good thing I'm not in these dangerous circumstances though And since I could read everything in two days, I didn't forget any important details and understood just how deep Sehyuk's obsession with Hamin ran. Frankly said, the guy is obviously a psychopath but he's so gentle with him when he needs to be, I think Hamin is in good hands, even though Kwon Sehyuk is so incredibly possessive and obsessed that he followed into Hamin's family business all these years and went out of his way to cause trouble so that Hamin would be kidnapped and then rescued by him. He propositioned everything so that Hamin would look up to him and need his protection, pretty psychological stuff, he was always 3 steps ahead at least. So props to him, the faces he made whenever Hamin was bold with him, goddamn, that last scene too, where he goes "I finally caught him", OH MY GOD, the hairs on my neck stood up bro, that was creepy but so up my alley in terms of obsessive love. And it's not like his feelings were only from the past, the present Hamin made him fall for him all over again, which made for a cute story despite the profanity and violence thrown left and right I also noticed how the art style changed after the end of the first season After the author took a break, they definitely changed some things up, because the art got a lot more beautiful and detailed, I loved it. And a way you can for sure tell is the first chapter of season 2, that portrayed the last scene from season 1. Seeing the same scene all over again but drawn differently just showed the progress the creators had made. I loved every bit of this story, honestly. It keeps you interested at all times, there were no filler moments and it wasn't too fast-paced as well, so I guess the golden middle ground was hit indeed If I leave this story for a year, I may come back and read it a third time, that's how interesting it is. And the jokes really had me laughing, which is rare with these types of manhwas 10/10, would do it again

Back to School

Complete | Oryu | 2019 released

Okay, listen. I have read this SO many times, mostly just starting it and dropping it for the nth time but I did complete it wholy twice and lord... It was during my "don't write a review, just give it a rating" phase and yeah, I came back just to write a review. So. A question I had every single time I read this before finally ingraining it into my memory, was did Jungwoo or whatever his name was actually rape Chonwoo (I think that was his name). And yes... Yes, he did... So it was pretty understandable how they couldn't ever go back to the way they were, like, Jungwoo, are you stupid??? I couldn't believe his nerve, honestly. The ending made me feel both sad and content, it was a very nice ending, the nicest it could have been, actually, without dropping the realistic aspect. But boy, did I take a trip down guilt lane after seeing Jungwoo's grievous expression... At least he finally got the memo and left our poor boy alone... Honestly, I don't know how he is such a magnet for giant buff strong and possessive handsome men, but yeah, it seems to be working. I swear, so many of the characters in here are gay, like, damn. I am glad most people got a happy ending tho, our boy even got engaged!!! I'm glad he overcame his trauma and suffering, the mother understood in the end too and even begged Jungwoo to just leave and never come back again (ouch) I don't know what else to really say, it's surprising how much I remember but yeah, I can pretty much tell most of the story off the top of my head, it left a huge impact on me as a person and it was a very nice read. It kept me entertained and really just made me want to punch some specific characters and comfort others. Take a guess who I'm talking about, as if it isn't obvious. Something my BFF pointed out was how the necks and bodies were just so incredibly huge and thick, which, yeah, that was a bit weird. Their phisique was so unique, honestly, I didn't mind it until she pointed it out. I still liked it, it's just that I paid attention to that detail from them on. But I really like the art nonetheless. Overall, it's actually become a core memory of mine, I won't forget it very easily, which means a lot. Why a core memory? I just remember reading it during my happiest, most carefree days. Just like midnight poppyland, yes, I still remember the title but I never finished it. I think about it from time to time, it's been more than 2 years... Anyways, that was it, I'm glad I finally gave my opinion about this manhwa

Back to School: All Grown Up

Complete | Oryu | 2000 released

I decided to give this a review finally right after writing the review of the original manhwa. It's definitely been a long time since I read it, but I remember it quite vividly. And I must say, I thought I would feel weird seeing Jungwoo's side story in a parallel universe, where it was all just a horrible nightmare he was having and he never hurt Chonwoo, he never raped him and instead they have been in a healthy sexual and romantic relationship for a long time. It made me feel a bit sad, I wanted everyone to be happy in the end, especially since he finally changed for the better... However, I'm well aware that still wouldn't possibly excuse or justify his past behavior, I just wished he would find his own happiness tho.. Spending years obsessing over a single person and then having to accept you would never be able to turn back time and have the relationship with them you once did, back in the day, because you, yourself, ruined it. Quite heart-breaking. But oh well, actions have consequences, I can't be too soft on him after all the shenanigans. I'm sure he will someday heal and find someone else. Until then at least the Jungwoo in the parallel universe is happy and healthy. Kyujin was the name of the other male lead, right? I think so, I just remembered it, I had completely forgotten it until writing this review. Their story was actually quite adorable, I'm glad Chonwoo found the right person for himself (and it was some damn luck, if Kyujin himself hadn't made some effort to get to now Chonwoo, Chonwoo would have been left lonely and hurt all this time. Their relationship is adorable, I have always liked it. I don't remember much except for how horny everyone is in this specific extra. It's NOT how it was in the original LMAO


Complete | bboong bbang kkyu | 2000 released

Unexpectedly really good story and beautiful art style. Just 6 chapters were enough to convey everything, which is pretty hard to do

Waterside Night

Ongoing | Euja,으자 | 2019 released

One of the best things I have ever read, hands down, WHICH SAYS A LOT I DID NOT expect this manhwa to be so good!!!! On the surface, it looked like your average, generic BL with a handful of trauma and sexual assault, repetitive scenes and senseless characters that honestly don't go anywhere with their mentality and everything else BUT I WAS WRONG And I am so happy I was wrong. There is still a long way to go before we reach the end and that's obvious but for what has come out so far, 76 chapters, I genuinely felt so invested in the main leads' dynamic. I... did not picture Taeju breaking down in front of Euihyun... both of their character arcs are so beautifully written and well executed. The bad gangster mob bastard had a change of heart, pretty generic right? But the process he went through to secure a position in Euihyun's heart... well, that alone made him stand out in the crowd of redemption assholes every BL gets. The thing is, it is just so well thought out. It's simple but this story knows what it wants to be, it's not trying 1000 things at once, it's focusing on a couple of main aspects and that's why it's doing a marvelous job. Taeju, the blond fucker, gangster bastard, as Euihyun likes to call him, genuinely started off as a terrible person in the beginning of the manhwa. He raped Euihyun on their first meeting and his personality was so... twisted, shall we say. He starts off as this selfish prick that doesn't listen to anyone's bullshit and gives NO ONE the time of day. Euihyun is a toy to him (even if he starts getting possessive right off the bat) and he wants to break him, in order for Euihyun to depend on him. He is arrogant and prideful and in no way would he go around catering to someone else's whims. But then he falls in love. And just like many of the other BL assholes, he realizes his grave mistakes and feels horrible about it. But this time it wasn't just conveyed with words of affirmation and cuddling, no. This is not a story where Euihyun was pining for Taeju, it was the other way around, so nothing except for debt is tying them together and they both know it. But Taeju understands how much of a terrible person he had been (honestly, fucking finally) and breaks down in all senses of the word. He thinks Euihyun is about to kill himself by drowning in the ocean, just like his attempt when they first met and Taeju screamed out "Gotcha!" In reality, Euihyun went there for the peace and quiet the ocean provides and Taeju threw himself at him, melting at the realization of what could have happened. His tears start flowing and he kneels down, begging for Euihyun to hate him, to despise him, to loathe him, but to never hate himself because nothing of this was ever Euihyun's fault. . . . This scene... it broke me. When the man on top of the world grovels beneath you and is pleading for you to spare yourself and instead direct your blame towards him, well, it provokes a lot of feelings. Taeju starts hyperventilating and pouring his heart out, for the first time ever we see him sincerely remorseful, he is broken from the weight of his own actions, and I find it beautiful. He learned how tremendous the consequences of such heinous acts can be and the arrogant, crude prick begs not for forgiveness but to be hated. Just so Euihyun can spare himself in turn. Man, I cried way too much at these scenes, I really didn't expect this manhwa to be such a rollercoaster Honest to God, the art style is beautiful and so damn detailed, way too much at times, each painful scene made me so apologetic and just sad at Euihyun's situation, the despair was portrayed so realistically and so well, it makes for a great read to really delve into. In the end, Euihyun and Euiyoung are reunited, the 27-year old and his 7-year old baby brother, whom he had looked after before he even opened his eyes for the first time. Their bond is so strong and beautiful, it made my heart swell with warmth, I cried at their reunion as well It's been about 20 minutes since I started writing this review. Honestly, I have so much more to talk about, the story has many twists and turns and oh boy does it have a GOOD plot, but I'm exhausted, it's 12.30 am and I can't be bothered to describe every significant event. Just know this, my future self, Low tide in twilight was worth every second spent reading it. Oh, and also, Taeju changes for real (at least towards Euihyun) and spoils him a lot, letting him do pretty much whatever he wants, getting rid of the debt, finding their pathetic excuse of a father and providing home, food, warmth and closure. Also, it's not completely for sure yet but I am fairly certain Euihyun is pregnant ANYWAYS (Yes, it's an omegaverse, of course men get pregnant and give birth here, don't ask me how that works, no idea) And yes, the baby would be a product of the most violent sexual assault scene we have witnessed here which says A LOT, Euihyun was literally raped on his first day there AND YET this somehow outmatched it, 3 consecutive chapters had warnings for violent sexual assault and it just.... makes sense....... It was a pretty brutal scene, made me tear up, and obviously led to further conflict, how WOULDN'T it But it all got... resolved??? when Euihyun went to the ocean I... really don't know how to feel about Taeju as a person. As a character, he has.. depth... not too much, but he's okay He is actually really chill in many scenes, it honestly makes that start of a contrast when compared to how obsessive and violent he can and will get He is a huge pervert, that goes without saying And he finally realizes and accepts his love towards Euihyun and then starts rightfully babying him, poor guy deserves it after everything he's been through. So. Yeah. I don't know how to feel about him. He had always been soft on Euihyun, providing everything with the snap of a finger but then... he would turn around and be the emotionally and physically abusive asshole we know and (don't) love And oh GOD when Euihyun is finally a bit calmer and has fallen asleep, his expression darkens and a smile twitches its way up his lips, his eyes are cloudy and he is stating he could never possibly let Euihyun go, even after knowing how much pain he had caused him Aaaannnnd, this scene freaked me out. RIGHT AFTER I THOUGHT HE HAD BECOME BETTER His sinister smile gave his sanity away, or rather, lack thereof But nonetheless. He is gentle now and honestly would he absolutely thrilled if he gets to know he's about to become a father, hell, he called himself Euihyun's husband already. And about Euihyun... well, his character has got a lot more depth in my opinion, because of the emotional growth he experiences as well Granted, they don't really change that much, but their thinking sort of does, so I consider it a win in my book, getting the suicidal boy to learn it had never been his fault and he deserves to feel loved as well. His tears became my tears and his pains drowned me in a vast sea of sorrow he had already slowly been sinking and drowning into. Except now, he's got a helping hand, finally someone to talk sense into him and to make him understand he should put himself first at least once in his life. Also, isn't it cute how a jellyfish is the supposed reference for pregnancy???? Euihyun has this recurring dream where he is sinking in clear waters and above him appears a jellyfish which shines brightly floats over to him in swift motions He touches it, fascinated by its beauty And he gets enthralled But he wakes up, suffocating from its hold Another thing I would like to note, the charisma and comedy in this manhwa is top-tier for me, their dynamic just doesn't get old and the chibi drawings are adorable