D.Y.I's manga / #O(≧∇≦)O(3)

Love Doesn't Talk

Complete | Ann(æ,) | 2000 released

THAT WAS ADORABLE BOYFRIEND OF THE YEAR AWARD GOES TOOOOOO *drumroll please* THE ML!!!!! (I could not remember their names, something like Kuzinaki???) It was so fluffy and warm and oh my god, dream romance, so adorable Made me smile so much, even the antagonists weren't exactly bad, the stalker surprised me, I didn't expect something so heavy to be portrayed so innocently, it was crime after crime LMAO I expected the blond haired girl and the gray haired boy to end up together somehow, I thought she liked him, guess not?? Maybe they will have their own story?! That's just wishful thinking on my part lol It took me very little time to finish this, it was so genuinely pure, I wish people pure as that really existed.... Maybe they do... Please find me.... It made me squeal, giggle and kick my feet in the air, need I say more? And the kicker? No speech whatsoever. No word was needed to portray how beautiful love truly is, so it was really poetic in a sense~ Imagine how they must have felt when their relationship was exposed on TV tho, damn, talk about pressure, it's cute tho

Reikan no mattakunai danjo ni tori tsuku danjo no rei no manga

Complete | Azusa kina | 2019 released

LOL I loved it, even though it was very very short... I want moreee Literally, it was way too short but made me intrigued :>

My Cute Beast!

Ongoing | Heim,Haesol | 2019 released

ABSOLUTELY. FUCKING. ADORABLEEEEE!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA . . . . . . . Phew. Well This was SO PURE AND INNOCENT, the kind of love I want :") I KNEW SHE WOULD BE THE ONE TO PROPOSE HEHE I am SO in love with sensual, emotional, caring and soft male leads and strong and open-minded, positive female leads. It is a dynamic that will never grow old because of how both parties are understanding, because they've been in the other's shoes, cuz, you know, gender stereotypes and patriarchy... So seeing this change of pace and break from societal norms really just makes my day and fills me with hope for my future love. I mean, it's obvious everything here was as sweetened as sugar, it is very much fairy tale like, but that's just what I came here for. And not to mention, Beauty and the Beast is my favourite story of all time, with Belle being a strong and kind woman, who does not let norms define her. Just like Da-Im. I'm also a huge softie for gentle giants, they're my weak spot, On-Gyum was so cute, I couldn't get enough of it. At some point the drama with Taebum and Hera became really draining (I guess that was the whole point of it all tho, so I can't blame the manhwa, more like blame my expectations), soooo I contemplated dropping it, thinking it can't get any sweeter than this, it's gonna be adorable till the end, might as well save myself the 40 chapters left.. But I continued and I do not regret it, it was actually so refreshing. I finished it after more than 24 hours, unusual for me, but I had school, so, nyeah I gotta say, Taebum and Hera MADE MY BLOOD BOIL. You know, the average rom-com viallin, they weren't too extreme but they were just hella annoying, I despised the way they victimised themselves till the end but again, that's what they're in the story for. I like how Taebum sort of started regretting but it was only after having done such horrible things, so even though I kinda felt bad for his failure in life, I can't say he doesn't deserve it, nu-uh, he brought it upon himself. Fully and entirely. And Hera.... Yeah, I felt the tiniest bit of sympathy for her horrendous childhood but honestly, people have gone through worse and have come out decent, so it was no excuse to trample on everyone just because she was dealt worse cards. Her parents sucked, her grandma sucked, her childhood sucked, yeah. But On-Gyum was there for her always and yet, she not only pushed him away, she left him after knowing fully well how much it hurts to be left alone in this world. And then she comes back 10 years later, practically waltzing inside with a bouquet of freshly cut lies and schemes, I mean, how do you even feel bad for such a person? She had everything at some point but did not love herself, so she made it everyone else's problem. And yeah, as counterintuitive as it sounds, she did NOT love herself. She knew no one would be able to tolerate her as much as On-Gyum had in high school, she knew no one would be there for her because of the excuse of a human she is, so instead of changing herself, she deluded herself into thinking she's a literal Goddess on earth, so yeah, everyone has to bow down to her (more like stoop to her level, iykyk). And honestly, to me it sounds like a really broken person who hides behind the facade of egotistical behaviour and narcissistic antics just because deep down she knows she is not worth it. Maybe she doesn't explicitly say it but towards the end we can see her mental (and physical) breakdown in front of On-Gyum, where she says how he is the only one for her, because no one else would take her. She knows, she just pretends she doesn't. Sad, I guess, but as On-Gyum replied to her swiftly, nobody is at fault for that except her. She is the cause of all her problems and the reason she is now alone in this world. So the take out from all this is to treat people with kindness, otherwise it WILL come back to bite you in the privileged ass. As for Taebum, damn, he apparently marries a newly found rich girl (new money) with no class or significant status, such a shame!!! Poor rich boy... Anyways I had a feeling Jua would turn out to be a good person and my intuition did not lie, I was very happy about that, just from her first speech bubbles I could tell she was no ordinary rich girl. The fact that she had to use all her strength to climb up in life just in order to gain recognition from her own family and those around her, it made me respect her so much more. She viewed men as rivals, because no one understood how much easier it is to be a Prince than a Princess and yet everyone would lash out at her instead, because apparently daddy's money applies only to rich girls, not wealthy men. So it's understandable she couldn't find a lover till the end of the manhwa, though I'm rooting for her in the future!!!! If she wants to, of course. Her mother said so too, which made me happy, because women are rarely given the choice, especially in Asia. The fact that Jua had lived her whole life thinking her parents regretted having given birth to a girl instead of a boy and thus wanted her to absolutely marry into a family with a powerful wealthy son, breaks hearts, I know. But she learns towards the end, no, actually, you can live for yourself, Jua. I'm proud of her growth as a character in this series. So Je-Im... Lmao, I loved this guy, he was so boyfriend material honestly, how could he be single... Though at times he resembled more a middle-aged woman obsessed with soap operas than a high schooler, you know. But that just added to his charm. He is silly (goofy LMAO SORRY), witty and just playful. The perfect sibling to the she-Hulk hihi. Seonggi was a good friend till the end, I love how she at first didn't really understand why So Da-Im wanted to become friends with Jua but then they were this adorable trio, the three musketeers, as they call themselves. In the end, two out of three got married and the third one, Jua, was just happy to have her true friends beside her. So everyone won!!! I have to say though, I am curious what happened with Hera in the end... I forgot her real name but oh well, Hera is easier to remember. Hyun, the guy from the boy group Heroes, with white hair and an earring, his little brother Jisoo is in an adorable relationship with a girl from his school, I sadly forgot her name. Hyun is nice, I expected for him to be a total asshole because of how cut throat the industry is AND because Hera particularly despised him, guess she just does not like genuinely good people lol And a big thank you to the blonde woman who aired out all the dirty laundry Hera could possibly show the public. I loved the cats, at some point I forgot they were the main reason this whole plot even started ahaha Adorable chibi art style and cute expressions. 10/10 from me, this was worth it, because it made my heart feel lighter. (There was a devil and angel scene in the earliest chapters and it felt like a reference to "A love contract with the devil", because I jumped into this manhwa right after the devils and angels one )