I'll Be The Matriarch In This Life
166 Reincarnated x1, Back in time x1 cute cute cute Spanish raws 20 https://www.facebook.com/agoblinsdream/ https://newtoki95.com/webtoon/11123654?stx=%EC%9D%B4%EB%B2%88+%EC%83%9D%EC%9D%80+%EA%B0%80%EC%A3%BC%EA%B0%80+%EB%90%98%EA%B2%A0%EC%8A%B5%EB%8B%88%EB%8B%A4&toon=%EC%9D%BC%EB%B0%98%EC%9B%B9%ED%88%B0 Newtoki 10
43 미스터 미스 raw complete https://newtoki95.com/webtoon/8778803?page=3&toon=BL%2FGL
Abandoned wife has a new husband.
R55 cn54 Omg I'm only 2 chapters in and I want to protect her so much. Fucking asshole that previous dude is, top list in people who deserve no redemption yuck
Preference for the Possessor
A Fortune-Telling Princess
85 46 wtf is the translations rn so bad 44; binge read to end of season one THIS WAS SO GOOD I DIDNT EXPECT IT romance even took a backseat and I love how the mc is . Need more 1: LMAO I love how she woke up and did the first thing she kept wanting to do, HIT THAT JERKS HEAD SMH
Don't Mess With the Puppy!
There's No Way This Is Fate. -Newlyweds Arc-