The Old Man Who Got a Second Round in Another World
Monku no Tsukeyou ga nai Rabukome
Black Torch
I Became a Legend a Decade Later After Telling my Comrades to Leave Everything to Me and Retreat First
Thinking about it, this is such a sad story. Luck had been fighting for 10 years, where he's lost himself for the most of it, unlike Golan and Erik who's lived those ten years fully. Luck has been left behind, and I like that he's is working to make a life for himself. The scene where Luck tells the two that he doesn't want to fight strong monsters anymore and the two smiled, I think the emotion that the two displayed wasn't the right one. I think they should be remorseful that a friend of theirs had to suffer 10 years of doing that relentlessly. But I sort of get it, they're (former?) adventurers. Strong mentality is needed to succeed in that kind of lifestyle. But mayhaps a bit more empathy would be nice.
The Swordsman Called the Countless Swords Sorcerer